Part 13- ¿really?

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Recab- Do you wanna talk about it?" Ali asked worried. "I'm fine trust me. Lets just go back to sleep."I said. "Okay if you need anything I'll be right here okay?" "Okay. Good night Ali." "Goodnight Em." I then drifted to sleep.
As I walk down to the kitchen in the morning i noticed everyone there except Cali
and I said  "guys imma go to my house next door to get something be right back"
"ok everyone said in an unison as I walk to my house I noticed someone behind me it was zach as he comes closer he said "about yesterday "
"Can we talk about this later,We both know we have way more important things on our hands right now."
I told him .
"Its just..." He tried to say but I cut him off. "I said we can talk about this later. The only thing that we HAVE to do is find Cali." I said as I walked into my house. I walked up to my room,changed clothes,and grabbed extra clothes cause im going to stay with the boys for a while. I didn't have to tell my mom cause she's always on business trips,so she's never home. When I got back to the house everyone was waiting for me. "Come one we are going to go down to the police station to file a missing persons report." Jack said. "Okay,but I call shot gun!" I yelled and then ran to the car and got in. Everybody else got in with Jonah driving. When we got to the police station,they started asking when it happened,where it happened,who she was with,and other questions like that. Although Em answered most of the questions cause she knew all of them,we still got to answer a few. "The best thing to do rn is to just go home and rest. If we find anything we will give you a call." One of the officers said. "Okay. Yes officer." We all replied. We then went home and just sat on the couch,watched movies,and just thought about everything.,

I woke up in a dark room. The only light came from a dim lit from the ceiling light(forgot what its called). I took a chance to look at all my surroundings. There was the bed in the middle of the room,a night stand by the bed,and a wardrobe. When I tried to get up,I realized that I was tied to the bed and every time I pulled it hurt because they made it so tight. But me being the dumb one I am I kept pulling and pulling until I felt blood and then I decided to stop. "Well ,look who's awake." I heard someone say. "Let me go Anthony!" I yelled at him. "Not on your parents life." He said. "What do you even want?" I asked. "You." He replied. 'What the heck do you mean?"I asked again." Thats for me to know and for you to find out." He replied." What are you..." I tried to say before I got cut off. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!!"He yelled loudly. I got so scared I started crying. "You know what I'm done today,good night." He said as he slammed the door shut. I started crying even harder until I fell into a deep sleep.
Thankss plebs (Cali and Emily) ❤️

Something different  ~A WDW fan fiction~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora