Part 24 - The morning after

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I woke up the next morning to see Zach by my side. All of a sudden all the memories from last night came through my mind. I immediately grabbed a pillow and started hitting him with it. When he woke up he grabbed the pillow he said "What's wrong and why are you hitting me with a pillow?" "HOW COULD YOU? I LOVED YOU AND YOU WENT AND DID THAT!" I yelled getting up from the bed. "What do you mean?" He asked. I slapped him out of reaction and it was hard. The smack could probably be heard for miles. I then grabbed a glass cup and was about to throw it when I heard "What is going on in here?" Cali said walking in with the rest of the boys. Her eyes immediately widened and she ran over to me and grabbed the glass out of my hands. As we were fighting she let go and fell to the ground and glass went everywhere. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and looked down to see a piece of glass in my leg. It wasn't big,but it wasn't small. I looked around and saw that Cali had some in her arm and legs. "Omg Cali I'm so sorry. Its all my fault." I cried walking to the door. I ran out and ran to the near by woods. I ran all the way to a little pond and sat by an old truck near by. I started crying cause of everything that has happened. I took out my phone and looked at the photo. I then realize something. When Zach kisses me his hands are on my waist or jaw,but in this his hands are by his side. All the pain ive caused him and everyone else was for nothing.

I heard and legs. "Omg Cali I'm so sorry. Its all my fault." I cried walking to the door. I ran out and ran to the near by woods. I ran all the way to a little pond and sat by an old truck near by. I started crying cause of everything that has happened. I took out my phone and looked at the photo. I then realize something. When Zach kisses me his hands are on my waist or jaw,but in this his hands are by his side. All the pain ive caused him and everyone else was for nothing.

I heard yelling coming from behind me. "ALI!" I heard them. I looked behind me to see all the boys and Em,except Cali and Daniel. I got off the truck and ran to Zach,hugging him. "I'm so sorry I just saw the photo and freaked out and the.." I started,but got cut off by him kissing me. "Its fine trust me." He said. After that we all walked into the house. When we got inside I saw Cali on the couch with her leg wrapped up. "Cali,look I really am sorry." I said. "Its fine. Trust me." She said. She then looked down at my leg. "DUDE! You need to get that out of your leg before it gets infected!" She said. I then looked down to still see the piece of glass in my leg."Oh well lookie there." I said. "Here I'll help you get cleaned up." Zach said leading me to the bathroom. He helped take the glass out,which hurt like a bitch,cleaned the cut and wrapped it. "There ya go. You're all good to go." He said."Can I please have a piggy back ride?" I asked with puppy dog eyes."Fine,but only cause your injured." He said. "Yay!" I got on his back and kissed his cheek. We went downstairs too see everyone watching TV.

I was watching TV with the gang when Jonah asked "Hey Em can we talk privately?" I rolled my eyes while saying "Fine." Yes,I am still mad at him. I think I'll be mad at him for a long time. Suddenly,I felt someone pull my arm. I looked and saw it was Ali. "Try not to kill him." She whispered. "I'll try not to,but I can't promise anything at all." I said walking away. I went in the kitchen and sat on the counter. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked. "Okay first chill. I only wanted to say I'm sorry. Its not my fault at all." He said sincerely. "The photo says other wise. Your hands were on her jaw and waist. You were kissing her." I said feisty."Ok one. They were on her waist cause of the group photo. And two.y hand was on her jaw cause I was gonna give her a kiss on the cheek,but when I went to give her one she turned her head and kissed me." He said. "I don't believe you." I said stubbornly. "WHY WONT YOU JUST BELIEVE ME! IM TELLING THE TRUTH!" He yelled at me. That really hurt cause like he never yells."WELL HOW THE FUCK CAN I BELIEVE YOU WHEN THERE IS A FUCKING PICTURE TELLING ME OTHERWISE!" I said yelling. "YOU KNOW WHAT! IM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU NOT BELIEVING ME!"He yelled then went quiet when he said "I think we should take a break from each other." "Wait what? Are yo-you breaking u-up with m-me? " I asked starting to cry. "No I'm saying we should take a break from each other." He said not looking at me. "So basically a yes. I get it Jonah. I'll just leave now." I said walking out almost crying. I walked into the living room to get my phone. I saw everyone looking at me and I just ran out of the house crying and going to god knows where.

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