Part 19- that is what she said

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On our way to the hospital it stared raining. Yay! We barely get rain so when it comes I savor it. When we arrived at the hospital we had to run to the front doors which doesn't help considering that I have a bag full of clothes. We got inside and went to the reception desk. "Hi we are here to see Cali Fox." I said sweetly. "Yes ma'am down this hall to your left. Also,would you like me to get a doctor to check that?" She asked. "Um mm. Check what?" I asked. "That mark on your neck." She replied. Immediately everyone started laughing while I blushed. "Umm no thank you ma'am I hope you have a nice day!" I said while walking off. "Omg that was hilarious!" Em said laughing. "Would you like me to get a doctor to check that?" Jack said mocking the lady. "Hey in my opinion its not my fault. I blame him." I said while pointing at Zach." Hey thats not fair!" He said as we got to the room. "Yes it is!" I said back as we entered the room. "Shut up you two. They are sleeping." Em whisper yelled at us. We all stood there and just looked at them. I took this moment to whip my handy dandy phone out and snap photos. "Aww aren't they just so cute." I said. "Well,duh. They're he most innocent ones,what do you think?" Corbyn said. Everyone agreed. We all turned back to them and saw that Cali was waking up. "Hey guys. What are you doing here and why is it to freaking bright golly I'm gonna die." She whined. "Well one hello,two we have come to check you out,and three stop complaining and get yo ass up." Em said. "Nahhh. I'm too comfortable." Cali said. "Okay well then let's sit and Wait for the doctor."

10minutes later:
"Omg why is it so cold in your room. Its like freaking Antarctica up in here." I whined. "Idk why its so cold. I'm not in control of the air conditioner." Cali said sassily. "Here take my jacket." Zach said handing me his jacket. It put it on and immediately felt warmth consume me. "What the hell happened between you two?You guys both have freaking marks on your skin." Cali asked. "Oh we just tripped." Zach said fast. "Dont give her that bullshit Zach. They were getting it on last might,DUH!" Em said. At that we all started laughing. I guess we were laughing too hard cause seconds later Dani wakes up. "What the heck. The second time. Ughhhhh!" He whined. "Oh you shut up,nobody cares!" Jack said. After he said that we heard the door open and the nurse that greeted us walked in. "Hello Mrs.Fox I would just like to say that you are checked out and ready to go. Just leave when your ready." The nurse said. "Are you sure you don't need a doctor? Now he has a mark." She asked. "Yes we are absolutely sure." Zach said. "Okay... I'll be right back with doc." She said not listening. She left shortly after that. "Okay someone tell me what the heck is going on." Dani said. Cali whispered something in his ear. "Wha-who-wait-them? Omg." He said. His reaction made me and everybody else laugh. "Yes doc they have these things on their neck and I don't know what it us." The nurse said as she came Back. "Okay let me see the patients." The doc said. Me and Zach face palmed ourselves while everyone laughed. "Them two. The one wearing the jacket and the boy." The nurse said pointing at us. "Omg" I whispered. We stood up and the doctor checked us.While checking us he asked "So how do you think you got this and when did it appear?" "Ummm. It appeared this morning and.." I answered but couldn't come up with an idea. "We went on a walk earlier this morning and I guess there was poison ivy." Zach lied. "Well,I prescribe this cream. Put it on everyday till the rash disappears." Doc said as he took out 2 pieces of paper and wrote something on it. "Okay here is that and Cali here is your prescription for the pills you need." He said handing me,Zach,and Cali a piece of paper. "Make sure to drink lots of water and make side you eat. Actually,as soon as you leave I say you eat." He finished. "Okay Doc. Thank you for everything." Cali said. "No problem its my job. Just make sure all if you get your prescriptions." He said as he left. As soon as the door closed he all started laughing. "Omg that nurse is so dumb!" Jonah said laughing. "Okay I say we get outta here. I hate hospitals." Corbyn said. "Okay,Cali I brought you a change of clothes,so here ya go." I said handing her pants,a black WDW sweater, and black vans. "Thanks!" She said as she walked into the bathroom.

A Few Minutes later:
"Okay let's roll out!" Cali yelled as she came out. We walked out of the room and down the hall as Jack said"Okay,so ive seen this in movies and ive been the hospital before,but if your under 18 a parent or older sibling has to sign you out." "Well considering the fact that my parents aren't here and my sister is younger than me,I cant leave." Cali said. "Orrr. I could pretend to be your older stepbrother. I mean I am 19." Jonah suggested. "Ya that's a good idea,let's go." She said. We walked up to to the the receptionist desk. "Hi what can I help you with?" The lady asked smiling. "Yes,Hi,I'm here to check out my stepsister." Jonah said. "Okay name?" "Cali Fox." He replied. "Okay I see she is 17,so I'm going to need your ID to make sure you are older than 18." She said. "Okay here ya go." He said hanging it to her and smiling back at us. "Okay your all set to go. I hope you have a wonderful day!" She said. "You too!" We all said as we walked out. "I actually can't believe that worked." Dani said laughing. "Same!" I said. "Anyway where should we go to eat?" Corbyn asked getting in the car. "Chick-fil-a!" Me,Em,and Cali yelled."Okay Chick-fil-a here we come!" Corbyn yelled.
We wrote the longest chapter ❤️

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