Part 21 - ready?

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When we arrived at the mall we went to the first place we saw. "Ughhh I already hate this!" Em and Cali complained. "Shut up and come on. Boys go look for tuxes. We will meet here in 30 minutes."I said. "Okay" they said as they walked off. "Girls les go." I said. We started to look around,but nothing caught our eyes,so we kept looking.

30 minutes later:
We met back up with the boys and it looked like they all had their tuxes already. "Dang you guys already found stuff to wear." Em said surprised. "Well,duh. We dont take forever to find stuff." Jack said. "Shut up noodle head." Em shot back."Shut up noodle head." He said mocking me. "Dont make me hit you noodle head. "Em said threateningly. "Come at me Noodle head." He said. Right after he said that Em punched him in the arm."Owww. What the heck." He whined. "Hey you said Come at me so I came at you." She said innocently. We all started laughing as we made our way to the register. I payed for the boys tuxes and we left for another store.

We all had dresses except for Cali. They were either too short,too long,too much skin,or not enough skin. "Does anybody know what time it is?" I asked."Its 4:30." Jonah said. "Okay Ms.Cali,you have until 5:30 to pick a dress or I will make Dani pick one for you." I said. "Aww hell nah!" She said. "Have you seen his taste in fashion. Its horrible." "Hey. I'm standing right here." He said. "Well,then you better hurry." I said. We went into a store filled with only dresses. "How about this one?" I said pointing to a dark green one. "Eww. That honestly looks like throw up." She said. "How about this White one?" Em said. "Excuse Me. You must not know me. Em I have told you this multiple times. I cannot wear white. It gets ruined too fast." She said. "Okay if thats the case then what are you gonna do on your wedding day?" Em asked. Cali thought about it for a few minutes. "Wear black. It matches my soul."She replied. "One I dont think your husband will let you do that and two we ALL know your soul is filled with sparkles,unicorns,and rainbows." I said. "True true." She said. "Back to business,how about this red one?" I asked. "Its the color of a period. I dont feel like I wanna be be aunt flow today." She said. We all started laughing.
55 minutes later:
"Omg we have legit looked at every single dress. What is wrong with you?" I said. "Idk. I just don't like them." Cali said. "Well,you have about 5 minutes until I make Dani pick one."I said. "Okay okay im looking." She said. "Yo Cali what about this maroon dress?" Jack asked from a few racks down. "Omg thats gorgeous!" She said in awe. "We are getting that dress!" "Okay okay." I said as I went to get the dress from Jack. I went to the register and played for it. As we walked out of the store Jonah said "Thank you Jack. Your a life saver. I almost died in there. It took WAY too long." Everyone agreed. "No problem." Jack said. "Omg my feet hurt!" I said. "Samee" Cali and Em said. All of a sudden we got an idea. "Yo Dani,Jonah,and Zach!" All three of us said. "Yes?" They asked." Can we pretty please with s cherry on top have piggy back rides." We asked. "Fine" They said while they got down. We jumped on their backs and high
fived each other.

"Okay its about 6 o'clock. I want everyone down here and ready by 7." I said. "How come only and hour. I mean us guys can be ready by then,but what about y'all?" Jonah asked. "Good point. I say only an hour because my parents absolutely HATE when people are late.Plus,this is the first time they are meeting you guys,so good impressions." I answered. "Makes sense." We all said. "Okay good now go get ready boys. Girls come with me." I said as we walked upstairs. "Okay first let's do hair." I said. "I call doing hair!" Cali yells. "Okay fine by me. "You" she points to Em."What?" Em said. "Sit yo ass down in that chair over there and . You start on your makeup." Cali said. "Okay okay." We said laughing a little. "Do you care if I put on music."No,but it better be some good music." She said. "Okay I got some good music." I said as I turned my WDW playlist on shuffle. "YASSS!" We all yelled and turned it up louder.

30 Minutes Later:
Cali was doing my hair into a braid bun when Something Different came on. "Omg YASSS!" We yelled started singing. "LOOK AT US. WE COULD PAINT A PERFECT PICTURE ABOUT US. FROM YA HEAD TO TOE I FIT YA!" We sang. "WE ON SOMETHING SOMETHING SOME..!" We sang until the song stopped. Then,all of a sudden,we heard clapping. We look towards and door to find all the boys there. "Man that was so beautiful." Jack said wiping a fake tear. "Get.Out.Now. We are getting ready. You shouldn't be here." Em said with sass. "Okay okay. Chill. We were just gonna tell you that we were ready and will be waiting downstairs. " Jonah said as they left the room. "Okay back to Work." I said turning back on the music.

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