Part 18- the marks

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I woke up besides Zach. He was still sleeping. He looks so cute. Then,all of a sudden,all the memories came back from last night. I blushed at the thought that I lost a v-card to him. I keep looking at him when I hear him say "Take a picture it will last longer." "Okay,gladly" I said as I grabbed my phone and took a picture. "Awww you look so cute." I said as I posted it on Instagram with the caption 'early mornings with bae🌻🌞☀️ @imzachherron. "Ugh I hate you,go away." He said. "Okay peace brohomie." I said and got up and changed into new clothes. "Wait I was joking!" He yelled running to me. We walk down stairs nd everyone is looking at us. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked. Em then came up to me and said "Honey its not on your face,might wanna check your neck. Btw,next time try not to be so loud. People are trying to sleep." Right after she said that I ran all the way upstairs to my bedroom. 'Omg I need to cover this up now' I thought. I put some make up on until they weren't noticeable. I walked downstairs to see everyone waiting at the door. "So what are we waiting for?" I asked. "Well,we were waiting on you so we can go pick up Cali." Jonah said. "Oh,then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

I woke up in a room I didnt recognize. Oh ya. I'm in the hospital. I look to my left and I see Dani sleeping next to me on the bed. I decide to let him sleep cause I'm a nice person. Plus,we were up late talking about the situation and everything at hand.

5 minutes later:
OMG IM SO BORED!! I WISH DANI WOULD JUST WAKE TF UP! Wait thats good idea. I look over at him and he's sound asleep. Before I do anything I decide to take a few pictures. I me lool at him. Hes juat tok cute.Anyways,I start to poke his check repeatidly. "Omg wake Upppp?" I whine. I keep poking for why seems like hours."Well look who decided to wake up." I said. "Shut up. Its your fault. I was in a good dream too." He complained."What about?" At that moment his eyes went huge and he said "n-n-no nothing,uhh j-j-just dont worry about it." He said quickly. I started laughing. "Why did you wake me up tho. It really was a wonderful dream and you ruined it. So tell me your wonderful explanation." He finished. "Well,you see I was this thing called bored and I'm not really supposed to be on my phone,so I woke you up." I said smiling. "Well,even though I love talking to you I'm going back to sleep." He said. "Noooooo! I'll get bored again." I told him. "Then cuddle with me and go to sleep. As As simple as that." He suggested. "Fine" I scooted over to him and he wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head on his chest. "I love you Cal I'm" he whispered in my ear. "I love you too" I said as I feel into sleep.

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