one: cameron and emma's wedding

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song of the chapter: single ladies - beyonce


-6 months later-

S c a r l e t t

"I CAN'T GET THIS HAIR STAND INSIDE THE BUN!!!!" Emma yelled in frustration.

"Em can you calm down for a second, the hairstylist is on her way" I said while I was sitting on the couch, feeding Ayana.

"Oh no no no, you don't get to say a word here miss, you're marriage went so smoothly, and you aren't even helping and force breast feeding that poor little thing because you don't wanna do st-

"Emma soon to be Dallas calm down!" I shouted and she plopped down in a chair and slumped her shoulders.

"I'm so sorry, I'm just so worried since we're running out of time" She said.

"It's alright just have some pa-

I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hairstylist! can I come in?" A voice said.

"If you don't do that in a second, the bride will die" I said and Emma stood up as she came in.

"I would've literary had a heart attack if you were a minute late because this strand won't go in!" Emma said and the stylist helped her fix her bun and then did her makeup.

I looked down at Ayana and pulled my dress back up and adjusted the strapless heart neckline properly before wiping the corners of Ayana's mouth and fixing her little dress to.

"Em, Its time" I said and stood up as I held my babygirl in my arms. 

"Yes, yes, lets go" She said and turned around.

"Stop being so nervous, come here" I said and she walked to me and I hugged her.

"Trust me, you will forget all the nervousness when you get out there and this will be one of the best days in your life" I said and kissed her forehead and she smiled and nodded.

"Let me give my favorite little girl a kiss too" She said and Ayana giggled as her aunt Em made a pouty face and made kissy noises before kissing her chubby cheeks.

"Ladies are you done?" Emma's mom and dad came in.

"Yes" Emma said.

"Then let's get my princess married" Her said and they linked arms before walking out.

"Now, let go and watch your favorite uncle and aunt get married, your dad and brother must be waiting for us" I said to Ayana and kissed her nose before walking out.

Emma had picked a long flowy peach colored gown with a heart neckline fore me since I was the bridesmaid and she also made me get light brown highlights and straightened my hair for today.

"There they are" I said when we finally spotted Justin and Aryan in the crowd and I walked to them.

"Hello there, look at how beautiful you'll look" Justin said when he saw us and I smiled and stood beside him and his arm wrapped around my waist.

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