twenty three: problems

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Um, first of all...


I know I took ages to come back. But I wasn't in a good head space for writing this story. I didn't have the further thing figured out and I had too many other things to do to brain storm about this story

You know exams and stuff, that shit gets pretty frustrating

But I just got done with them and thought of updating this story first since ya'll have waited for a LONG ASS TIME.

Thank you so much for your kind words and support and patience. I love ya'll so much :')



"....And then mama panda put all her babies to sleep" I watched with a smile as Scarlett ended the reading the story book while Ayana had already dozed off and Aryan's eye lids were heavy with sleep.

She put the book aside and kissed their foreheads before tucking them in securely and standing up and that's when she noticed me.

"Hey, I didn't see you there" She said and I walked to her.

"Yeah, I was just enjoying watching mama panda put her babies to sleep" I said making her chuckle.

I bent down to kiss Ayana's soft, chubby cheeks and kissed Aryan's forehead too.

"Good night buddy" I said to him.

"Good night daddy" He said while he was half asleep and I stood back up.

"Now its time for Mama panda to put daddy panda to sleep too" I said to her earning another little laugh from her before she leaned in and kissed my nose.

"Okay, let's go" She said and switched off the lights before we left the room and went into ours.

She went inside her closet to get changed while I got rid of all clothes till I was only in my boxers and got under the covers and waited for her.

Its been a month since we started the plan and we haven't made a huge progress since Chris is being clever and not trusting Rachel completely. I know we have to be patient but I just can't wait to get out of all this.

On the other hand, Scarlett still hasn't recovered from the Chris episode completely. She isn't as traumatized as she was initially but I still find her zoning off a lot. 

Also.....we've barely had sex. Every time we get there, she avoids it and I'm trying to not get upset over it because I totally understand what she's going through. But I miss her. Not just physically but I still feel like I haven't seen my Scarlett in ages.

"Earth to daddy panda" I was snapped out by her voice and realized she was already in the bed beside me.

"Oh hey" I said and wrapped my arms around her after she laid down and pulled her closer to me.

"What were you thinking?" She asked, running her fingers through my hair and I faked a smile and shook my head.

"Nothing" I said.

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