nineteen: confused

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Mama Jen opened the door a minute later and her eyes widened with surprise and happiness. I could only return it with a weak smile.

"Justin, oh honey" She cried and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Don't cry" I said as she sobbed.

"Everyone was so worried, why did it take you so long" She said.

"I don't know, I wish I took a little longer though, so I couldn't see somethings I just saw" I said and she furrowed her eyebrows and I shook my head.

"Where are my babie?" I asked.

"They're in Aryan's room" she said and I nodded and started walking upstairs ignoring the worried questions Mama Jen started asking Scarlett when she saw her.

I slowly turned the door knob to Aryan's room and peeked in. I saw him Coloring in his Coloring book while Ayana watched curiously.

"Ayaya?" She said pointing at a figure and Aryan nodded.

"Yep that's you" He said and I smiled.

"Ayan, Mamma, Dada" she then pointed out everyone.

"Yes!" Aryan smiled.

I pushed the door open and walked in.

"Do my kiddos still remember me?" I said and their heads turned to look at me and Aryan gasped loudly.

"Daddy!" He shouted and ran to me while Ayana crawled as fast as she could and Aryan jumped in me and I hugged him tight and kissed his cheeks while I felt this warm tears wet my t shirt.

"Dadda!" Ayana was so happy that she giggled as she pounced and me too and I chuckled and hugged her too.

My weak body suddenly forgot how weak it was as I hugged them tightly and rocked them back and forth.

"I was so scared, I missed you and mommy so much" Aryan said.

"Mommy?" I asked confusedly.

"Yes, you were sick for so long. Mommy was so sad and so busy" he said but the images in my head prevented my heart from softening for her.

"Oh" was all I said.

"But now forget it all because I'm back now okay, don't worry anymore" I said and he nodded.

"Alright, I'm going to go shower now, haven't done that in a month" I said and he laughed.

"Mom would've been so mad" he said and I just gave him a smile at that.

"I'll back in sometime" I said and went to the bedroom and I saw Cameron helping Scarlett to sit down on the bed, she groaned in pain as she did. She was still crying.

After she sat down, Cam looked at me and walked to me.

"Justin we need to talk" He said.

"I have to shower" I said and started walking but he grabbed my arms and stopped me.

"That can be done later" he said and dragged me out and shut the door after him and turned towards me.

"Justin, I know what you saw was too horrible for you to look at so was it for me. I totally understand what you feel-

"No you don't Cam" I said.

"Just listen to me! Justin I get it, but Scarlett is your wife and she just got raped and you need to comfort her and not ask her why because you don't know what she went through while you were in in Coma for a whole goddamn month!" He said.

"She asked for it!" I almost yelled as I felt tears sting the back of my eyes.

"Oh you really think she asked for it because she felt sexually less satisfied because her husband was in Coma?! No! Justin she was frustrated to the core and she did what she could to save the life her kids have and you" he said.

"There were other ways" I mumbled.

"I know, I know Justin but she's a mother. Imagine her being in your place. What would you do?" He asked.

"Cam I really don't want to talk about this right now" I said and tried to walk away again but he stopped me once more.

"Fine but let's not forget Olivia and what happened with her. I hate to break it to you but just because Scar forgave you doesn't mean it gets erased" he said and let go of me.

"I'm gonna go meet the kids" he said and walked away.

I entered the room and rushed to the bathroom to avoid Scarlett but when I shut the door and then heard the shower running and realised she was in the shower itself.

I sighed and then with the running water I also heard sobs.

I got rid of my clothes and walked inside the glass cubicle where she was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees and still had her clothes on.

When she noticed me, she looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry" she cried.

"You should've waited" I said.

"I know! I know! I'm sorry!" She cried and covered her face with her palms.

"Stand up" I said and she looked at me.

"Get up" I said and stood up, almost falling when she felt pain while standing up.

I walked to her and unzipped Cameron's jacket that she was wearing and took it off.

She was gasping from all the crying and shivering the whole time and I was just so confused of what to feel.

The images of what I saw in the office kept spinning in my head and then what Cam said. I was stretched between the two things.

When I took a closer look at her face, I saw dried blood at the corner of her mouth and before I could continue removing the rest of her clothes, she put her arms around me and hugged me.

"But I-I'm so glad that you're up. I waited for so long. I got tired" She sobbed and my own tears mixed up with the water from the shower.

"I lost all hope but if I only knew you were going to be alright, I would have never....never..." She trailed off.

"Did he hurt you too much?" I asked, finally wrapping my arms around her.

"The whole month. But today hurts more than anything that has ever hurt me in my life. I feel so so horrible" She said.

"I will try my best to forget this. I know you didn't have much of a choice but I just can't seem to digest all this." I said.

"It will take a little time for me Scarlett, to get the images out of my head. But I guess Karma is a bitch and what went around did come back to me. I deserve this" I said and felt her body shake due to her sobs again.

We stood there crying like that until we found the power to pull away and clean ourselves.


Gosh, slow internet really sucks😫

What do you think will happen next?

-Love, S

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