fourteen: family dinner

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grab ya cups, cos some tea bout to be served.



When I woke up, I felt a weight on my arm so I looked down to see what it was. It was Ayana, her head was resting on my arm while she had nuzzled herself in my side. When I looked beside her, Scarlett wasn't there, I guessed she woke up a while ago.

I turned to my side and smiled at how Ayana looked like a little burrito since she was sleeping in the fetus position and the quilt was securely keeping her warm. My reached below to rub her back up and down slowly.

After what happened last night, I had taken today off from work and stayed home. Ayana is still very shaken from what happened. She is not very comfortable with strangers and what Chris did was like a mini kidnap.

My jaw clenched remembering how he yelled at her.

I stopped rubbing her back when I saw her stir but she woke up anyways and looked up at me with her bright little sea green eyes.

"Dada" She mumbled sleepily while rubbing her eyes and I smiled.

"Hey angel, had a good nap?" I said.

She looked so cute with her sleepy face and the white onsie she was wearing and it had little donuts on it.

She crawled up so she was right across my face and laid down again, her had reaching to touch my cheek and she played with the two day old stubble on my jaw.

She does that when she wants to cuddle so I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead and nose.

"Don't be afraid little bug, I'll never let that happen to you ever again okay?" I said and giggled when she started biting my nose.

"You do love my nose a lot princess" I said and kissed her chubby cheeks she found what I said funny and giggled loudly before crawling on top of me and starting to play with me.

"Oh, look who's up" Scarlett said when she came in, holding Ayana's bowl.

"Mamma!" Ayana squealed happily and started bouncing on my stomach.

"Hey baby" She said and kissed Ayana before sitting on the bed beside us and and bringing the spoonful of baby food near Ayana's mouth but she shook her head.

"What? Are you not hungry honey?" She asked.

Ayana climbed off me and crawled to Scarlett.

"Mum....mum!" She said and tugged at her t-shirt.

"She wants milk I guess" I said.

"But I'm trying to get her off the milk" Scarlett said.

"But today can be an exception? If that happened to me, I'd like some comfort food too" I said.

"Yeah. alright alright, no baby food today" Scarlett said and they laid down beside each other before she started feeding Ayana.

"Pattie just called me, she said that tonight's dinner is at a restaurant instead of mom and dad's home because their chef isn't there. She'll text us the details" Scarlett said.

"Oh, okay" I said and tickled Ayana's neck making her laugh and the milk spurted out of her mouth making Scarlett gasp.

"Justin!" She yelled at me.

"Oops, sorry" I snickered and she slapped my arm.

"Ow! I said I'm sorry!" I said and rubbed the spot she hit.

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