Just run away

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"Y/N, come on!" Mark yells, slightly pulling on my arm. "I can take you home if you want, Y/N. Only if you want though." Jack kindly says. "No, she doesn't want to go with you, she's coming with me." "Doesn't look like she even wants to be near you, Mark." Jack says, emphasising on the word 'Mark'.

They both argue back and forth with each other, while trying to convince you into going with them. It turns into only yelling over one another, to a point where you can't understand what either is saying. Both of them squeeze your arms tighter too, in anger at the other. Your head starts to hurt from all the yelling in your ears. You realize that this is going to end bad either way.

If you go with Jack, Mark will be furious, even madder than now. And if you go with Mark, Jack will be upset with you, and Mark will be mean to you. Whatever you do you're screwed. You make your decision. Without even thinking. (That line doesn't even make sense, but I don't care. Just go with it.) In one swift movement, you pull your arms free and run out the door, leaving both of them. You don't even turn around to see their expressions. You just run, to anywhere away from that bar.

You run and run and run, until you decide you're far enough away that you won't have to worry about either of them, and slow your pace. You try to get a sense of your surroundings, to find the way back to your house. But it doesn't help that you're scared, lost, and buzzed. You look all around, trying to find something, anything familiar. But nothing is. You're lost.

This story seems to be gaining reads faster than any other one. My ChloeXJoji one still has like 280, but this one's gaining over 10 a day. This story has also just been added to a Reading List. I know that's not too big a deal, but it's our first and i'm super excited. Maybe this story will get somewhere, maybe even pass my 280 story. You readers seem to be the most supportive so far, thank you guys for loving this story!

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