Handcuffs, a Pervert, & Questioning

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Hearing the words again, makes it all real. "I-I-I" you mutter out, before losing balance, and hitting the ground. You hear the police mutter to each other, before passing out completely.

When you wake up, you're in the back of a cop car. "What's going on?" you ask, reaching for your head. Your hand's stopped midway, and you look down to see handcuffs on your wrists. "What is this?!" you ask, starting to freak out. "Calm down, Miss-" he glances down at a paper. "L/N." The other cop looks into the mirror at you. "You were passed out and we had to take standard precautions." "So y-you handcuffed me?" "Like I said, standard precautions."

You sigh and close your mouth, turning to the window. You can only assume that they're taking you to the police station. 'Best Day Ever.' you think, sarcastically. Then the thoughts of your ex-more so dead-boyfriend come to mind. 'What happened?' 'They said murder.' 'How do they know it was murder?' 'If it was murder, who killed him?'

"Miss L/N!!!" a cop yells, bringing you back to the real world. "Huh?" you ask, looking up. You notice the front seats empty. You turn towards the side, seeing an open door and three cops standing in front of it. "Nice and easy." he says, grabbing your wrist. He unlocks the handcuffs and pulls you out of the car, a little too close to him.

"You know, you're pretty hot. I'm sure this dead boyfriend of yours is way out of your league." he whispers into your ear. You twitch, then control your anger and sigh. "Can we get these questions over with now?" you ask, taking a step back. You step on the edge of the curb, and start to fall backwards, screaming.

The cop in front of you quickly catches you in his arms. You stare up in shock, and he winks at you. You start to glare, as you get pulled back up. "Come on." another cop says, dragging you along. You smile a little bit, being away from the pervert cop. They take you into a small room, consisting of just a table, two chairs, and a typewriter.

Two cops come in, the one who dragged you in and the perverted one. The perv takes the seat right in front of you. The other one sits in the corner with the typewriter. "Hey sexy." the pervert says quietly to you. You look down. "Let's begin, shall we?" he asks, looking at you, then the typer, then back to you.

Question after question after question, you're finally done. The cop stands up. "This part of the job really sucks. I'm glad I had some eye candy to watch during the questioning though." he says, growing a creepy smirk. He looks at the cop at the typewriter. "Off the record, Smith." The cop nods and moves his hands away from the typewriter, before getting up and leaving the room altogether.

'Great! Alone with the pervert...' you think, trying to look away from him. "Now that we're done here...wanna get a drink?" He moves even closer to you. "Uh...um...no thanks. My boyfriend was kinda murdered last night, ya know?" You walk out of the room and head towards the door. You make your way onto the street, him behind you.

"Come on, hotness. We can go back to my room and do some math: Add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your legs, and multiply." (I looked up perverted pick-up lines for this. I have some slightly sexual ideas for the story soon, but it's not smut. I'll do an A/N tomorrow explaining my smut policy) Your eyes widen with his comment. "Excuse me?!" you yell, gaining the attention of everyone around. He begins to laugh, a sickening rapist-like laugh. You back away again, taking multiple steps.

Then you feel something-or someone-against your back. It feels like a wall. You think it is, until you feel hands move to just above your waist. You squeal, hitting the hand, and sharply moving away. The hands pull you back, as the someone shushes you. You recognize the deep, calming voice. Your body relaxes as you let the hands hold you closer.

"Were you bothering Y/N?" he asks, causing the cop to lose his smirk and grow a worried look. "N-no, sir. I didn't say anything." "Well that's not what I heard. Do we have a problem here?" The cop shakes his head and heads back into the station.

You look up at your savior. "H-hey Ma-ark." you say, feeling your face get warm. "Are you alright? I heard about your boyfriend. I've been looking for you all day." You look down. "I'm fine. Just a little-i'm fine." He pats your head and lets you go. "I think you should stay at my place tonight. I don't want you to be alone."

"Hey Y/N!" you hear. Looking up, you see Jack approaching you and Mark. "Hi Jackie." Mark says, with a smirk. You raise an eyebrow at him, then look back to Jack. He has this furious stare to Mark. "Come on guys, don't fight. How can Septiplier work if you guys fight?" They both look at you with blank faces, before looking off in different directions. "Septiplier isn't real, Y/N. Never was, never will be." Jack finally says, in a very defensive tone. You decide to keep your mouth shut.

"So what were you guys talking about?" he asks, with a very salty mood, staring straight at Mark. "I was just telling Y/N that i'd feel a lot better if she stayed at my place tonight." Jack's eyes widen for a second. Then he looks at you. "Honestly, I think you should stay with me, Y/N." You close your eyes and wait for the fight that's about to break out between them. "Ya know what? I think she should stay with you too, Jack. It's for the best." he says, almost happily.

You open your eyes to see Jack looking at Mark, and Mark staring at the police station, dark glow in his eyes. "We need to make sure she's protected. Especially after last night." "Last night?" Jack asks, putting his hand to his head, like he had a headache. "You didn't hear? Y/N's poor boyfriend was murdered. Right outside the bar." Mark says, still staring at the police station.

Jack quickly grabs your arm. "Wait-I didn't even know he was murdered at the bar. How'd you?" He glances at you for a few seconds, before returned his gaze to the building. "They questioned me too." "Y/N, come on." Jack says, gently pulling you away. As you walk, you just observe Mark, still staring at the police station. 

Well turns out I did do a "long" chapter. I was gonna split them in half, but that was way too short. So this is my birthday present to you guys (It's supposed to be the other way around, but who cares?) Tomorrow imma explain smut & junk, and get something out on the other ones. I just have so many big ideas for all of them, I need to mass write, and I don't wanna post undone parts. Thanks for the patience!

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