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"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!!!" You roll over and open your eyes slightly. Darkness leaks through your eyelids. "W-what do you want?" you tiredly ask, squinting your eyes. "Y/N, get up!" You groan and force your eyes wide open. In front of you sits Jack, shirtless and pantless. He's kneeling down next to the bed. You quickly sit up. You then notice a feminine shirt on the ground and a pair of skinny jeans hung on the end of the bed. In the corner of your eye, you see Jack briskly sliding his pants back on, then reaching for his shirt. 'If he has his clothes...' you think, pulling the covers up.

You scream when you see nothing but underclothes(also known as undergarments/underwear and/or a bra[at least where I live]) covering your skin. "Shut up, Y/N!" Jack whisper-yells to you, pointing to the door. "Huh?" you ask, as you pull the covers back up, past your red cheeks. "What's wrong with you?! Get f***ing dressed!" he says, tugging his zipper up. You instantly nod, hastily grab your clothes, and throw them on. "He's gonna catch us. I knew tonight was a bad idea. That work meeting was too last minute." "What are you talking about, Jack?" you ask, running your fingers through your hair.

Jack stand directly in front of you now. He puts his hands firmly on your shoulders. "Your f***ing husband is home. If he catches us, we're both dead." He then pushes past you and starts to make the bed. "This was so stupid. I can't even imagine what he'd do. His best friend and wife..." Your entire body locks up, and you stand in a frozen state. "J-jack, what husband? What the Hell are you talking about?" He stops making the bed to look up at you and give you a death stare.

"You can't be like this, Y/N. Not tonight, NOT NOW. Do you not realize how pissed Mark is going to be? Or do you just not care? Stop the games!" You stand in silence and watch Jack finish making the bed, then nervously stumble around the room. "What do we tell him? What excuse is there for both of us being in your bedroom?" You stare at him. "Come on, Y/N, help me out here." He starts to run his hands through his dark brown hair. 'Jack's hair is green....' you think, shaking your head with tightly closed eyes.

You hear a loud click that makes the blood drain from your body. "S*** s*** s***." Jack says, falling against the wall. "Y/N! I'm home." you hear his deep voice echo through the house. Jack's hands move over his face, as he shakes his head, completely giving up. "Y/N?" he asks, worry in the air. Footsteps lead to the bedroom door, before you watch the handle turn ninety degrees. You take a deep breath as the door slowly swings open. "Hey hon-" Mark stops upon seeing Jack standing at the wall. "What's he doing here?" he asks, confusion seeped into his voice.

"I came over to talk to you, but you weren't home." Jack mutters out, standing up, like a ruler. "At eleven o'clock at night?" Mark asks, Jack's lies flowing right through his ears. "I was really excited. I thought you wouldn't mind." his voice starts to break up. "You're lying. I can see it in your face and hear it in your voice. Now tell me. What are you doing at my house this late?" Mark's using a voice used by the angry man trying to act calm on the outside, while on fire inside.

"I'm telling the truth, Mark!" Jack defensively says, voice pitch raising to the ceiling. "Jack William McLoughlin." (I like the name Jack better and it's too much effort so we're all just gonna pretend his real name is Jack._.) Mark now looks over at me. "Y/N. What is he doing here this late?" I shake my head and look away from him. "I don't know." "Y/N, look at me." I sigh and look into his dark, menacing eyes. "Why is he here?" he asks, persisting me again.

"I have n-" "I slept with her!" Jack yells out, breaking from pressure. Mark glances at Jack, then looks back at me. He starts laughing quietly to himself, before sighing loudly. In a flashing second, Jack is pinned to the wall by Mark. "You slept with my wife?!" he yells, slamming Jack's head against the wall. "Mark, calm down. Please. We- we didn't-" "YOU SLEPT WITH MY WIFE!" Mark yells again, fist fastly forwarding into Jack's face.

(I went very obvious with the title. You shoulda been able to tell pretty soon into reading anyway. Ooh, and I said wife, didn't I? Again with that. If you're a male reader, just close your eyes and pretend. Pretend I put enough effort into making my story unisex, and of good quality. Also, this is Part 2 of my 3 s p e c i a l chapters *wink* & Merry end of January, my dudes!)

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