Poem 3

23 3 3

I build a block

a building block

in the house of history

I build a block

a building block

with each and every step

I build this block

for the house of history

I build a block

a building block

with each and every hope

I build this block

with all of my dreams

I build the block for history

this time has taken

my each and every will

this time has taken

my each and every will

this time has shaken

my every hurt heart-step

this time though

I will steady with all of my will

this time though

I will steady my will

and focus it on this

this collection of my thoughts

so that this

lesson may be taught

this lesson may be shared

and this lesson may be learned

in each and every hair

in each and every pair

and taken

for each and every

and used

for each and every


for it is for the hearts

the hollow hearts of men

that I share this thought

this lesson

and what it is

is up to you

for my lesson is my heart

and my heart I give to you

o’ history

o’ mystery

o’ joyous flabouancy

I share these with you

I share more than these with you

o’ future ones

o’ mysterious futures

o’ sorrowful sadness

I share these with you

I share with you

my heart

as a lesson

for my heart has learned a lesson

and for a cost I know some shall bear

as cross for them to bear

yet I hope in this

you take my lesson

you make my lesson


and theirs


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