Poem 18

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I find this void full of myself for that is who I think of when there is none

yet when there's even one

one person whom in I find hope

I find them and will fill them with my time

with my heart

with my compassion

with my dreams

with my hope

for emotion

flows through a vien too full

it must be let

and not stopped by the stent of reason

and it can't be spent on oneself in a manner that doesn't hurt

and I can't be spent on another that doesn't run the risk of hurt

yet it must be spent

and not on yourself for you are detestable and have no confidence no faith no pride

it must be spent on another who you think has it

has what you deem it takes to be


fill it in

with what that positive desire you desire is

and know it to be true

don't you

oh corrupt at heart we are

oh broken are we

yet we still

see the good in others

though they may be few and unmet

they exist outside of that group

that group you hate

and embodied with

all of the horrenity of humanity

of hell

oh yes you compare yourself to them

oh yes you compare all to them

yet you never scrutinize your chosen few

for their flaws

oh that one little thing they did

is that really full examination of their flaws

oh does that truly qualify

no it doesn't

and never shall we break these chains

and if so the few has just been unmet

this is our hearts pure

and purely rudimentary in corruption



something deep inside

keeps these works alive

and so today I write

with not the passion or the severance

but rather the endurance

that keeps my works alive

so that the next time

the next time I need to

conquer an emotion

need to quench a desire

need to inspire

O' I take EmotionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora