Poem 40

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cherry tips your words have

meaning and a message

caring you are

and yet still

subjected to the pains of

the human condition

and from it

you show the beauty you have

your poetry is made with that passion

you are not weak

you are not feeble

you are not the rest

no you are of the blood of the best

and so the world will spill it

and hope in ignorance that by drinking

and drinking your blood

that their blood will be filled with you greatness

oh they don't see what you have seen

oh they don't know what you know

they don't have what you have

yet they aren't worse than you

they just need a hand in an area you are already had one given to you

so please use your skill

and lend a hand

a helping hand

a healing hand

a hopeful hand

and keep it outstretched

even in the pain

I beg of you to do this

for though you may see what they have done wrong

yet you are just as wrong at root

we are all born from a bad seed

so let's make things better and keep your hand out

and use your hand to help some one up

while unknowingly your other hand is being helped up by them

help them and don't turn into what they see in you

help them

oh help them my fellow poets

help them tonight

oh help them my fellow minds

help them tonight in their thoughts

oh help the my fellow bodies

help them tonight in their thoughts of themselves

help them

help us

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