Poem 42

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I told her

but do I blame her

because the catalyst I could have changed

was my failure

my fault

so if she looks at me in disdain

if she sends me glares when I give advice

I can't blame her

I can't smile honestly

I can only think of what I've done

and pray that she'll heal

pray that we'll heal

and I hope that entropy is denied

at least

at least this time

for once

I hope that entropy is denied

for my mistakes shouldn't have had

this profound of an alteration

in the life of another when

all I did was love

even if it was pre-mature

I didn't break the physical

I kept that untouched

yet time

and fate said

that this would hurt her life

and in a way that is detrimental

and sadly substantial

well for now I'll just walk

and work ahead

I'll still hope

and care

yet I will have to return a favor given to me

I'll have to grace her

just like she and so many others graced me for much worse

I'll work and walk

and care and hope

yet with yet another blot

oh well least that was the time of my life so far

and I'm only fifteen

odds are there will be a greater high

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