Poem 6

10 3 0

the wind may take it

the rust may break it

the time may fake it


yet still make it

make the mark

the one that you were born for


for if there is now spark

how does the inferno rise?


the steel you may make may rust and break

but in breaking scrape

scrape and make the spark

that touches the bark

and begins the blaze


and if you didn't make your steel

if you didn't make your mark

you may have added another lifetime

another lifetime

another generation

another population

that has to suffer

from some thing you may not be able to cure

with just your steel

but your steel may be the first ingredient they need

to make the inequality go away


make your mark

it is your duty

it is your right

it is your privilege

it is your joy

it is your passion

it is yours


so make it so

make it so today and tomorrow

even if you destroyed it yesterday

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