Poem 10

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(thank you the band "the showdown" for the inspiration and I was definitely copying some of their lyrics when I wrote this, and thank you _____ for "shake the dust" its effects are quite evident)

the poet dreams so he can not let you go

why I feel him breathe deep and slow

I watch him feed the black dog

and watch him grow

feed him lust

feed him wine

feed him lost love

and lies

why does he breathe

why does he feed the black dog at his throat

o' cerberus I hope you pay

for it drinks from me

for all of those

who's daddy's toast the morning

who's daddy's toast the night

who's daddy's can't remembering more than getting by

who's momma's black the night out

who's momma's shake and stare

who's momma's can't remember just how they got there

it drinks from me

just like you o' black dog

o' cerberus

and yet I drink from you

it drinks from me

for all of those

who's daddy's more than gone now

riding the trigger God knows where

who's momma's can't remember

because he was never there

who's momma's drown in whiskey

tries to choke her shame

sometimes she'll remember

sometimes it just pains

it drinks from me

for all those who's

lives are filled with the pain of passion unfulfilled

for all those who's

lives are felled by the problems of another

for all those who's

lives are forgotten by their heartless societies

for all those who's

lives are oppressed by the ignorance of their community

for all those who's

lives are orchestrated by their by pain more than their passion

for all those who's

lives are restricted by the ruthless

for all those who's

lives are regarded by only the mistakes they've made

for all those who's

lives are made pointless by miscreants

for all those who's

lives are masked by the multitudes

and yet I drink from you

and make this for you

this is my toast to you

this is my work for you

this is my sword for you

I drink from you

and hope I take this mantle

with the grace I need

to make this work

for I can't represent these pains

as well as I wish

yet as I drink from you

I hope this toast

I hope this monument




the following people

as they are afflicted

by the cyclic

the cyclic chains

and the cyclic lashes

that follow humanity

as they push forward blindly

I hope

that the repeats of these pains shall be

taken on a different path

and I pray it to be easier

that these repeated pains be eased

by this toast to them

and I hope they will be graced in ways we wished we were

and I hope they will be benefited by this toast

a toast to the sorrows of the cyclic pain

yet I leave this not now

not without a tale

a tale of the poets

who went through these journeys

who learned of these and never conquered them

to Poe

who turned to the bottle

loving the bottom of the bottle

because he thought love was in the aftermath

but real love is easier to swallow than giving up and turning back

and this drinks from me

as he drank from the bottle

it drinks from me

his untold shame

his untold fear

his untold pain

his love of the bottom of the bottle

it drinks from me

that cyclic

cycles of pain

cyclic slipped from his mind

or maybe his heart

I don't know

(to be continued when finished)

to Cummings

(to be posted when finished)

to O’Hara

(to be posted when finished)

to Zajc

(to be posted when finished)

to All

(to be posted when finished)

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