Poem 47

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this is who I am

this is where I go when

I don't know myself anymore

this what I choose when

I have nobody but me

I try to hold my restraints in check

I try to take me excess and have it show

to find out what it means to be me

yet I find myself as shallow as the rest

I know not more than them

they just know more of what I don't

and my passions


they are pathetic

my promises


what do they mean

I miss my self-pity-ing

yet I won't return to it

I miss my running

yet I'd be stupid to try it again

I miss my reading

yet I'd be stupid to try it again

so I write

I hope you know it

so I write

I hope you don't know all of it

so I write


let's bring life back into my weary bones


a state were I can read once more


a state were I can run once more

so I write

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