Poem 7

8 3 0

I feel the pull

I feel the lashes

I feel the pain

yet I leave the wound gaping

I leave it open

for those to see the way to hurt

the way to pain

yet how that is a way to grow

a way to grow

and I show them the way to heal

see my pain

see my scars

and watch this one form

and watch the old ones melt away

back into the skin

watch me heal

watch the hope I use

to mend the scars

watch me heal

watch the logic I use

watch the love I use

to clean the wound

to close the wound

and watch the pain of the cleansing

watch the pain of the stitching

watch the pain of the time

taken to heal

and hope used to beautify the scar

and melt it away

melt these hurts away to the skin from which it came

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