Old Lady

59 22 34

I sulked in the waiting room,

Cursing doctors in my mind.

Grumpy was my current mood,

Looking for something to grind.

Kids crying, people yapping,

I wish I were deaf and blind.

There she sat all alone,

Withered face, achy bones,

Waiting for her turn to heal

Ancient pain her body feels,

Passing her time on the phone.

“Hello, son,” she weakly said.

“I am waiting at the doctor's

Migraine burning in my head.

Sugar is low, pressure is high

I wish I could stay in bed.”

She was silent for a minute

Listening as her son replied

“No I won't,” She admitted.

“There are children standing by.

I can't bear to see them cry

I have to wait for my turn.

No exception should apply.”

“Love you too, son.” She hung up

Turning to smile at my face.

I smiled back at her endurance

Feeling like a big disgrace.

I was young and ungrateful

Patience wasn't my main forte.

She taught me to be more thankful,

For indeed life is too short.



Based on a true story....

Poetic Rants By Akram SadiqWhere stories live. Discover now