Hush, My Love (Villanelle)

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Hush, my love, lean on my side
I shall be your cave, your friend
Under my skin rest and bide

Close your eyes, let your fear slide
All the tears and wounds shall end
Hush, my love, lean on my side

Sleep, my dove, my joy and pride
This heart shall never descend
Under my skin rest and bide

Life's but a rollercoaster ride
Together we shall ascend
Hush, my love, lean on my side

So long as love is our guide
Enduring days we shall spend
Under my skin rest and bide

Till the moment we're unified
I shall wrestle with whirlwinds
Hush, my love, lean on my side
Under my skin rest and bide


A (Villanelle) is a (nineteen-line) poem consisting of a very specific rhyming scheme: (aba aba aba aba aba abaa.)

The first and the third lines in the first stanza are repeated in alternating order throughout the poem, and appear together in the last couplet (last two lines).

Poetic Rants By Akram SadiqWhere stories live. Discover now