13: Apples Are Healthy

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We have been walking for days and I've come to the conclusion that I will sacrifice my first born child to the devil if he could make Vincent shut up for just one second, "we've rescued Raven. I don't see why we need to have one more mouth to feed. Having her here will only give us more problems." He whispers to Axel not knowing or caring if I'm right behind them listening to his incessant whining.

Stone faced Axel does not deign him with a response and keeps walking. Mika is next to me while Brandon is on my other side. Corey and Raven are behind us while Kevin follows after them with his vigilant stare scanning our surroundings.

There's nothing like good ol' camping to bring people together. I've really gotten to know these people personally.

Mika, with her strong personality but sweet smiles. She and I have become close friends which is difficult when I have to stop the urge to grab her face and kiss those luscious lips.

The ever stoic Axel and his adorable fascination with the fishes in the lakes we see on our trek through the woods, his strategic mind, the way his dark eyes follow my every move.

Corey's beautiful eyes lighting up when he sees me coming towards him, the excited expression on his face when I ask him about his favorite superhero, or the hugs he gives me when he knows I'm upset. He is always perplexed when I become a blushing fool around him but ever since I caught him having personal time at the lake I picture him naked every time he looks at me.

Marc with his non stop whining for caffeine, the cute way his nose scrunches up when he is confused by something, and the way his arms hold me close when I can't sleep well. He is the best cuddler ever.

Silent but sweet Brandon who at first didn't approach me but lightened up when I kept telling him stupid zombie jokes. He likes to give me piggy back rides and makes me blush when he calls me doll face.

The man who saved my life, Raven, holds apart of my heart. The soft smile on his face when either Corey or I approach him. My protective bear that loves to tease me and feeds me fruit whenever he gets the chance.

Kevin is still a bit closed off but still offers me a nod and a joke whenever he sees me. I can definitely see him and I becoming good friends. He nonstop talks about his daughter and wife, the love he has for them is extraordinary.

The permanent frown that Vincent met me with has not left his face. We usually avoid each other but I can tell that he knows exactly where I am and what I'm doing every second of the day. Not sure if he actually believes that I will be a hindrance to the group and their future survival or if he can see the ever growing affection Mika and I have for each other.

I can say sincerely say that I will miss this group. Excluding Vincent, obviously.

"Seriously, Axel, are you even listening to me? We need to talk about this. She is just going to cause trouble. We already have another kid at the house to take care of now."

Having heard enough, the apple I was about to take a bite out of ends up being thrown at the back of Vincent's head.

Everyone stops and my eyes are the size of watermelons. Holy shit. I pictured that in my head but did not actually mean to do it. Well, too late to take it back now.

Vincent turns around with a scowl on his face, "what the fuck was that for?" He gets closer to me with his fists clenched and I wonder if he is thinking about all the ways he wants to kill me.

"I was uh keeping you healthy, well, you know what they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away?" I say with a sheepish expression and a shrug. Seriously Sang? That's the best I could come up with?

Brandon snorts with laughter next to me and I can practically see the steam coming from Vincent's ears.

"You're so fucking childish. We don't need you here. You should just leave now." He snaps out while walking closer to me.

Feeling the tension rising Raven pushes himself in between us, "Vincent, let it go. She is staying and thats final." he says in a gruff voice while crossing his arms. I feel as if I can actually smell the testosterone emanating from the two men.

"Oh yeah, Raven? How does Corey feel about you being all over the little slut?"

Raven gets red in the face and I can tell that the rest of the group is holding their breath. Axel elbows into the group and is about to say something but I stop him.

I have had enough of bullies for one lifetime and will not put up with this douche canoe any longer, "Your bitching is not necessary Vincent. I do not plan on staying with you all in the near future. I have to find my brother anyways. So, if you could shut the fuck up that would be great for my bleeding ears." growling out in frustration I then notice that my other companions are looking at me with sad eyes.

Marc glares at me and I feel my chest tighten, "when were you going to tell us, Sang?"

Confusingly, I glance over at Axel and give him a questioning look. I wonder why he has not told them, unless he was never planning on helping me like he said he would. Although, I would not let him leave his group in the first place I feel oddly betrayed. Why say you are going to do something and then go back on your word?

Seeing the look I give Axel, Brandon glares at him, "Did you know about this and not tell us?" You can see the flash of indecision in his eyes for a second if you were looking closely for any tells but its gone in an instant. "I wanted to get everyone home safely and make sure that everything was okay at the farm then make a plan on how to proceed from there."

Looking at him in astonishment, "I cannot wait that long, Axel! It has been two years and I am not even sure if my baby brother is still even alive!" practically shouting at him. I can feel my breath quicken and liquid gather in my eyes but I push it away. Saying it out loud lets me know how much of a lost cause this expedition to find my brother probably is but I won't give up on my Sam. He deserves better than that.

"You heard her, she doesn't even have any inkling of where she is going. We don't need her dragging us with her!"

Mika pushes her long brown hair away from the death glare she's giving Vincent, "Fuck you Vincent! I'm going with her to find him. We can't just leave her." She growls out while putting her hand on my shoulder.

He looks down at her hand resting on me and shouts out, "No! You are not going anywhere!" While getting closer to pull her away from me.

"You have no say in what I do!"

"You mean who you do? Are you fucking her too? I see how you all look at her! What the hell are you guys doing? She's just whoring herself around the group!" He says angrily at them all and I can feel myself flush in embarrassment. Is that what I'm doing? I do have feelings for them but I haven't touched them sexually.

"Don't you dare talk about Sang like that and don't grab my sister like that. What the hell is wrong with you?" Marc says then grinds his teeth in frustration. Corey is behind him trying to calm Raven down and I know I have to get out of here. Before I can start moving away from the group I feel a hand latch on to my arm.

I look up to see an afraid Kevin which is so unlike him. He urgently tells me to look behind us and I do so slowly, not liking the sickening feeling I'm getting. I can feel myself paling in horror as I comprehend exactly what I'm looking at.

There is a hoard of Soulless coming straight at us. Shit.

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