1; Sex ED!!??

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I pulled up to school with sweaty palms, last year was the worst year of my fucking life, so I've decided to make some...minor adjustments. I'd just moved schools and I was going to remake myself, I wasn't just going to be the emo fag anymore. I'm gonna be a badass, rebel, the smart ass, whatever it took I don't care. I as wearing ripped black skinny jeans, leather jacket, a green day shirt, and a pair of dog tags. I held my backpack on one shoulder and opened my car door, you see I've always been manipulative, sly, a fucking asshole I just never had the chance to show it.

I walked up to the school and opened the door quickly, everyone stared they all looked at me with wide eyes, I looked pretty intimidating, I was six foot and ripped. I just smiled and winked running my fingers through my bright red hair, people seemed to like it until I ran into a teacher. "And where exactly do you think you're going dressed like that". The female teacher asked and looked me up and down "to class" I said and pushed past her and she grabbed my arm "how old are you young man". I looked up to her smirked "I'm eighteen old woman" she scoffed and walked away. What did she mean 'dressed like that' this wasn't catholic school what the fuck was she talking about.

When I approached my locker I opened it and looked at my schedule
Check in-7:45
Math-618, Mr. Toro
History-623, Mr. Ross
English-645, Mr. Urie
Gym-913,Mr. Stump
Art-248, Mr. Biersack
Sex E.D-138,Mr. Iero
Science-516, Mrs. Bryar
Foreign Languages-435, Mr. Dun
I skimmed over the list of classes until I hit one in particular I was not too happy about, SEX ED! What the fuck is wrong with this school, I got my books and started down the hallway and I wonder who this Iero guy was. Well whoever he is in calling him Mr. Oreo for sure.
(Time lapse to lunch)
I sat down with my lunch and a few friends I'd made, today was going better than the rest of my life "so what do you do" Tyler asked eating a carrot. "Um what do you mean" I asked not really sure what he meant "well like you look like a badass and you act like one, but what do you do for fun". I nodded my head "well I like to listen to music and paint, I also party a lot and hang with friends" I was lying my ass off and getting away with it. I never had friends I never partied but I did like art and music. "You like to party, get any girls lately" he asked and laughed a bit, my face went red, I wasn't sure if I should tell them yet, what if they didn't except me. "Yeah, like that girl Hayley she's seems cool" Pete asked "well actually....I don't exactly swing that way" I scratched my neck and stiffened a but.
I remembered I was suppose to be cool so I calmed down a bit.  Pete smiled knowingly and Ty just looked confused "dude we aren't talking about recess you idiot" Tyler shook his head and kept in munching. Pete and I both started laughing so hard everyone was looking at us "you're so stupid Tyler oh my fucking god" he looked at us cluelessly. I stopped laughing for a bit and smiled at him "Tyler , I'm gay" he face palmed and laughed nervously. "Oh um haha sorry" he hid his face in his hand as the bell rung "that's alright Ty, catch you tomorrow at lunch?" I asked and he nodded.

Pete and I walked away from the table and laughed out asses off some more, making fun of Tyler "hey, what do you have next" Pete asked and I looked at my schedule again and winced. "What?" "I have sex Ed" I said and he winced too and patted me on the back "good luck" his voice rung out as he turned the corner and I reached room 138. I pushed the door open to see my teacher with his feet on his desk scrolling on his phone, I walked further into the empty room "is there asigned seating" he jumped a bit and stood up. "Um no...your new" He said suspiciously "nice observation" I smiled at him and held out a hand "Gerard Way" he shook it and chuckled a bit "Frank Iero, but you can call me Iero". I smiled and took my seat, he just went to his desk and moved some papers around.

I occasionally caught him staring at me as I drew in my notebook, but I never acknowledged it, suddenly students started to filter in and pick their seats, I sat front and center. I dreaded this class but it'd be fun to fuck some shit up in here. "Alright guys I'm Mr. Iero but you can call me Iero, or just Frank I honestly couldn't give a flying fuck" he smiled as he said that last part and that's when I knew, I might just like this class. "Okay so, today were just gonna cover me as a teacher and you as students, so we have a test to take" the entire class grumbled and glared up at him "and what exactly would this test even be about, how to pit a condom on a banana" I remarked, surprising myself. The whole class snickered a bit and Frank just laughed "actually it's gonna be on safe sex so basically you guessed it" our eyes met and he smiled. I felt something in that one glance the tiniest spark, but I didn't think much of it, it's a teacher.

He just passed out the tests and stopped at me bending over so his mouth met my ear, "I think we're gonna have fun working together" he whispered and walked to his desk. He looked over to me and shook his head, glancing down at his work and focusing. I looked over the test and finished it quickly, walking it up to the front and handing it to Frank. "Hey kid, I like your shirt" I looked down and smiled "you like green day?" He smiled and shook his head yes. I walked back over to my seat and started drawing again thinking about what he said, and I hoped he was right.

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