2; Tattoos and Milkshakes

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I walked out to the parking lot going over the day in my head, exhausted but slightly pleased by my sixth period class "Hey Frank" I looked up to see Gerard getting into a convertible with the listens plate 'killjoy'. "Oh hey Gerard what's up" I asked and he looked down at my motorcycle in awe "is this yours" Gerard asked with wonder sprinkled in his eyes. "Fuck yeah, she's a beaut ain't she" I said and he just stared at it "cool, aren't you worried you'll be, ya know hurt" I just laughed and he looked up at me "my mom always says driving one is a death wish" I grabbed my leather jacked and swung it in. "Why don't I show you how safe it is" he looked up at me in surprise "really!" He yelled and realized he how loud he was "yeah, but if your mom needs you home then we I probably shouldn't" he shook his head "no it's okay I live on my own" I was a bit shocked "really, how do you pay for it all"

"Well, my grandmother passed a year ago and she left me her entire bank account, I have a job too" wow what a lucky kid, not about the grandma thing but the rest was cool "well wasn't your mom mad" I asked and he chuckled. "my mom couldn't give a damn if she had one, things were bad at home so I decided I needed to get outta that hell hole, I invested my money in the right places and everything sorta worked out" I nodded my head and handed him a helmet. "Well in that case get on" he brushed his red hair out of his face and put on the helmet I did too and sat down, he sat down behind me and held onto my waist. "This okay?" Gerard hugged me harder and I smiled "even better, you ready kid" I asked and started the engine "let's go! Whoooohoooooo!" Gerard yelled as I started to go faster on the highway. I jumped a bit "hey kid hold on tight" Gerard was a bit confused and just squeezed tighter, I did a wheelie and heard him gasp"you dick" he yelled and I smiled "you got that right". He smiled and I turned around and put the motorcycle back to normal, he was breathing hard and was clinging to me for life "what the fuck was that" he asked and I responded by swinging my legs around to face him and pit my arms back on the handles.

He was shocked and I took off my helmet, letting my shoulder length hair flow in the breeze "take it off" I said simply and he did, letting his bright red hair flows and whip into his face. Gerard was still holding onto me so it was sort of like a hug because I was facing him "what the fuck Frank are you trying to kill me" he screamed and his panicked eyes was so cute. "Oh nothing just hanging" I said and turned around. "Can we stop for a bit" I asked him and he shouted 'yes please' I saw a cute little diner and we went in and order two strawberry milkshakes. "Frank what the fuck was that" he spat and I cracked up "what, you didn't like my little tricks" he smiled and shook his head "you asshole" I smiled and laughed "hey, are you sure you should be talking to you teacher like that" I asked and sipped in my milkshake.

"Yes, if they're being an asshole" Gerard laughed and looked into my eyes, but not like he did before, there was something new there, maybe a little fear. "Were you scared" I asked and he nodded his head "you wimp" I giggled and he laid beck a bit in the booth "hey, maybe my teacher is more badass the me, I'm not afraid to admit it" he laughed and blushed a bit. We finished up our milkshakes and it started to get darker, "I better take you back to school to get your car" he frowned a bit and nodded his head. "Do I have to wear the helmet, I like the way it felt when my hair was blowing" I nodded a bit "why red" I asked totally ignoring his question. He stopped walking and looked over to me.

"Because it reminds me to set the world on fire, whenever I get the chance" he said and I stopped to, really liking his reason. I rolled my sleeve up to reveal all my tattoos and pointed to one 'set the world on fire' it read and I showed it to him and he smiled. "Wow that is so cool" he said and grabbed my arm "wish I could get one, I'm afraid of needles so it wouldn't work" I chuckled and looked up at him. "I could help you" I said and Gerard looked at me with excitement "I don't know" I grabbed his hand and he giggled. We started back on the highway"Frank this isn't the way to school" he said warily " I know" I said. The rest of the ride was quiet and still, I pulled up to a tattoo parlor and his eyes widened, "Frank" he looked up at me with fear. "Gerard" I said and pulled him into the parlor "what are you gonna get" he laughed nervously"Frank I'm not getting anything" he said and backed up a bit from me.

"You can hold my hand, it's just a little tattoo Gerard it's gonna be fine" he nodded and walked towards me "where are you gonna get it" I asked and side hugged him, he was scared I could feel it but that's okay. He pointed to his wrist and he smiled wide up at me "I've always want to get a tattoo that said 'thank you for the venom' " he dragged a horizontal like across his right wrist and smiled. "That's really cool" I smiled at him and he blushed "that's not all, on the other wrist I want 'fire at will, with a little shot gun under it" I was shocked, he had the coolest tattoo ideas I'd ever heard of. "Wow, okay, for a guy afraid of needles you sure have pit a lot of thought into a tattoo. He laughed and nodded his head "can you draw it out for the artist" I pulled a pen and peace of paper out of my pocket and he nodded his head. Once Gerard was done drawing he handed it to me and I smiled at the gun "damn that's good" he blushed as we walked to the counter.

"Hey Frank what are you getting this time" my tattoo artist asked "well actually Gerard here is getting two" I looked over to him and he looked pale "he's a little scared it's his first time" I said and handed him Gerard's sketches. "Okay well come with me, this will only take and hour at the most" he lead us to the back room and Gerard smiled and looked around "did you get your lip piercing here too". He asked and I was confused, I wasn't wearing it right now "how'd you know I have a lip piercing I'm not wearing my ring". "I notice things, I also noticed you have a nose piercing too" I shook my head "but how" I asked and he shook his head "it's very obvious, you have to extra holes in your face" I chucked and hit him on the arm. "Okay bud Sit down and then you can tell me where you want these" Dan said and pointed to the chair, Gerard looked at me like a five year old and I just nodded my head.

They talked for a bit and finally they were ready, I pulled up a chair and sat next to him "Frank I feel sick" I laughed and shook my head "you can't get out now, I already paid him". "You paid for it, why" I smiled and looked down at him "you were scared and this is you're first tattoo" he just nodded his head and took my hand. "Alright Gerard get ready" he braced himself and squeezed my hand tight. I squeezed him back "oh sorry, is that to hard" I shook my head and then, the needle touched him and he closed his eyes.

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