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I walked into my classroom at 7:00 and got some papers prepared for the day, I checked the tests from Friday I just gave everyone 100% because fuck that shit, I'm not actually grading a first day test. I came across Gerards test, this should be interesting....he knew everything, like everything he even added on some shit damn that's gonna be fun.
(Time lapse to 6th period cuz fuck that, I'm skipping to the interesting part)
Students started to file into the classroom as usual but I didn't see Gerard he must've been late or something I decided to start anyways "ok class I was inspired by one of your classmates on Friday so I will be demonstrating how to put a condom on using a banana" the whole class laughed their asses off at that. I pulled out my tools and opened the condom up in front of the class "so, you just simply roll it ont-" the door suddenly opened up and hit the wall by non other that...Gerard fucking Way. "Gerard, so happy you could join us" he smirked at me "Mr. Iero so happy you took my advice" I smirked back "eat a dick" I said "gladly" he grabbed the banana, pulled the condom off and proceeded to peel and eat the banana in front of the entire class. "Gerard what the fuck" "you told me to eat a dick so..." He gestured to the banana and laughed.

"Take your seat" I shook my head and he sat down by now the class was roaring with laughter and high diving Gerard left and right "alright class, since Gerard has eaten the demonstration banana I'll just pass out your tests, but you got the jist of it" I handed out their tests "everyone got a 100 cause I'm too fucking lazy to grade all those papers" they all cheered "why did I get a 69" Gerard shouted and the class went silent. Everyone was holding in laughter "Gerard I didn't give you that" I was slightly ticked off. "Yes you did" he held up his paper and he had marked a 69 on it "Gerard you put that there" he shook his head "oh j get it, you wanna bang me" Gerard said and the classes eyes went to me, I blushed and shook my head "no I don't Gerard" he laughed a bit. "Just face it Mr. Iero, you have a biiiggg gaaaaayyy crush on me" he yelled and I shook my head and sat down "detention" I said and gave him a detention slip, I was fuming mad how could he do that.

The bell rang and I told Gerard to stay after class "what the fuck Gerard" he just smiled "what, you didn't like that" he said standing up and pulling on my tie, I pushed him away a bit. "No Gerard I didn't" I said "well I'm not stoping, see you in detention...Mr. Iero" he whispered that last part in my ear and left the room. I felt a tingle go down my spine but I was still really fucking angry. I walked over to my desk and packed up, I left and went to my house. What the fuck did he want, he just made me so angry and worked up god this kid needs and attitude check, embarrassing me like that and then asking if I liked it. Hell no I didn't fucking like it.

I walked over to my TV and sat down with my dog trying to forget the dreadful day I had when I pulled out my phone and saw I got a text, from Gerard, this fucking kid. It said 'thanks from the tatts they look amazing😘😘'. I was so ticked off by then he just got on my nerves so damn much and I didn't understand why, how could he text me that I'm his fucking teacher. I may be a very very nice teacher but I had boundaries like the shit he pulled in class, he crossed a line and he couldn't uncross it.

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