6; Bambolina

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I woke up on the hazy side of things in a place i didn't know, it had a lot of wood floors and i was in a bed "where the fuck am i" i asked my self and sat up. My head was aware of everything and blurry at the same time i looked around the room to see frank sitting on a window sill with a cigarette in his hand. Frank looked over to me with a blank expression and turned his head back. I walked over and at next to him on the sill, i saw the carton in his pocket and grabbed it. I lit one and that first drag was amazing, he looked at me in the eyes and I let the smoke drain out of my mouth, letting it blow onto my face while holding his gaze.

"Where the fuck am i" i asked once again, aiming it this time at Frank, "In my apartment" he grunted, there was anger in his voice. "and how exactly did that happen" I asked and he just sneered at me, "well lets see, Gerard, you got me worked up, then forced me to fuck you, then you passed out on me" I chuckled a bit. "forced? forced?!?!" my voice was now nearing angered "i didn't fucking force you". Frank looked at me blankly once more "Frank you tied me up and called me a slut, does that sound 'forced' to you". "ahem" Frank cleared his jokingly "my little slut" he corrected smiling and taking a last drag before stubbing the cigarette "mhm, your little slut" I said in a seductive manner. "Although it was just lovely, it can never happen again" Frank stated simply the soda from his night stand. "oh so i'm just a little slut then, not your  little slut" Frank nodded a bit and grabbed his black laptop covered in band stickers. "correct" the older man on the bed said bluntly "we'll just have to see about that wont we" I looked around the room as i hadn't gotten a chance before, i reached his closet and touched his clothing, something a 'normal' person wouldn't usually do.



I looked up nervously to the student in my room, his fingers grazed my clothes as if they were made of glass, the red haired boy made a small noise which i ignored. He pulled the closet shut and slid open the other door curiously scanning, his eyes slowly gazing into the dark closet before he slammed it shut forcefully "i'm going to my place". Gerard huffed and walked out the door with his hand shoved into his pockets, 'what a bipolar little bitch' i thought and followed him out. He had fire in his eyes, they darted back and forth as he put his shoes on the quickly glossed over, "bambolina?" I sat down beside him and lifted his head, Gerard's glossy eyes met with mine "cosa c'è di sbagliato bambolina". He turned his head over once more trying to hide his tears. I finally realized he had no fucking idea what i was saying "what's wrong babydoll?"

Out of nowhere Gerard jumped up, straddling me and hugging me tight, i felt his soft breath on my neck which i enjoyed "bamb-bambolina" he repeated stumbling over the word a bit. I felt his smile against my collar, i hadn't changed after school "babydoll" Gerard paused "am i your bambolina" he asked softly. Gerard dug his head into the crook of my neck and yawned, "you tired?" I asked him and wrapped my arms around his body-taking in his scent and feeling his breathing start to slow to a steady pace. I felt at home in his embrace, feeling his warm exhaling on my neck as i started to realize what had gotten him worked up, god i was such a dick. How had I not seen it before, it had seemed like i'd used him for my own sexual need. Like i hadn't cared at all, he was just some slut i was using.

I rubbed his back a bit as my face slipped into a concerned expression, I had this much effect over a boy i barely knew, damn. I checked my watch, 6:30pm, quickly realizing it didn't really matter because Gerard lived by himself, i slipped out from under Gee's touch- laying him down softly on his back and kissing his forehead covered in beautiful red hair. My mind went straight to my stomach as i heard it grumble and grabbed my coat leaving Gerard behind to pick up dinner, I left a short note.



My eyelids lifted slowly to a small light in the kitchen, I groaned noticing the post-it note stuck to my chin

Out to pick up dinner

see you soon, sugar

xox Frankie

the quick note was enough for me, i giggled at the placing not noticing the door open "what are you giggling about?" Frank asked, balancing a pizza in one hand and a large soda in the other while holding the door open with his foot. "let me help you" I jumped up and grabbed the soda and setting it on the table, "i was laughing at the odd placing of the note you left" Frank chuckled as he got a set of plates and cups. Frank looked into my eyes deeply and kissed me softly on the lips, his hand at the small of my back, he pulled away and looked down and then right into my eyes with an intensity only a heart attack could match "you are Gerard you really are" I looked at him puzzled at what he meant. Frank smiled and kissed my cheek "my bambolina" he whispered into my ear and my heart skipped a beat because at that moment i was absolutely and completely content in his embrace and i never wanted to leave it


A/N: sorry for not updating blah blah blah shit you couldn't give less of fuck about if you had one.

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