8; You Can Run Away With Me

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I felt the sun kiss my face before I noticed someone starring at me as I looked down "Hey Frankie" Gee said groggily rubbing his eyes a bit. "Hi bamby" Gerard snuggled into my chest. He sat up abruptly and started looking for his clothes, mumbling under his breath about being an idiot "Gee, whats wrong". He jumped on the bed now fully clothed "I gotta go hun" he kissed me on the lips quickly and started putting on his shoes "Why, can you please explain". Gee looked back, his bright hair swinging around "I'm such an idiot, I was so caught up with you I forgot about my damn dog, poor thing hasn't eaten in a day". A smile spread across my face "Y-you have a dog?" He just nodded his head, sliding on his leather jacket as he lead me out to the living room. "Can I come with pleeeaasssee" I pleaded, folding my tattoos fingers together. "Why you've seen my apartment" 

"I love dogs so much please Gee, Please Gee. Come o-" He laughed and turned around looking a bit annoyed "Fine Frankie, go get dressed and I'll make some coffee, or we can go to Starbucks on the way". I ran back to my room and pulled on a Green Day shirt and jeans, and of course how could I ride my chopper without my Biker jacket which had 'MISERY BUSINESS' across the back in decorative letters with a white, bleeding rose under it. I walked out to see Gerard on his phone "Kids these days always on their phones" I joked grabbing it and my keys "hey give that back, and also, you're only five years older than me" Gerard scoffed taking his phone back. "Come on now, I gotta get to Venom" he said rushing me.

I grabbed my keys and headed out dragging him behind me, once we got to my motorcycle he whistled at me and noticed my change in appearance "Damn sugar you got me melting over here". I smiled and shook my head, handing him a helmet before climbing on "Misery Business?" I revved my engine and nodded my head. "I don't know, I got it at a thrift store haha, hold on tight" I teased "Ok Daddy" I started towards Gee's apartment "Daddy, I thought that was only for the bedroom" I laughed "I can call you daddy whenever the hell i damn well please" Gerard slapped me on the arm playfully.

 I pulled into Gerard's complex after about five minutes of driving and parked, Gerard tried to run in his skinny jeans which ended up in him waddling to the front door. I followed as Gerard said a quick hello to the door man, we hopped in the elevator and he hit '13' "wow baby's got the penthouse" I said kissing his neck. Gerard giggled and pushed me"Fra-Frankie" I smiled and laughed against his neck pulling away and pecking him on the lips "Fiiine" I said just as the elevator opened on the top floor. "Let's go I gotta get to Venooooommm" Gerard dragged me behind him as we neared his place. He dug in his pockets before pulling out a small key.

"Veeenooomm" Gerard called as a small husky strutted over, its eyes were icy blue and she had a dark ring of navy blue along the outside of her pupils "Oh my fucking god" I let out a gasp "what" Gerard yelled, bringing out a bowl of food and water. "She is so beautiful" I looked up at Gerard as I petted her white coat with tiny specks of black scattered across it "She is, isn't she" he put down the food and water which Venom devoured quite quickly "oh, I'm so sorry V Frank over here held me hostage". Gerard joked and picked her up "Venom huh" I said referring to her name "Yeah, I don't know, its just when I look at her eyes i think 'venom' so thats her name you can call her V". Gerard held her out so I could look into her deep eyes "Yeah I can see that, where'd you get her" I asked "um one morning about a year ago I was walking to Starbucks and it was winter so ya know, brrr, and I saw a brown thing curled up in the snow. So i investigated and there she was so skinny and dirty, she was practically frozen" Gerard pulled her close and kissed V's head "poor baby, so I cleaned her up and took her to the vet, she's been with me ever since". 

I nodded my head and held out m arms pleadingly, Gerard let me hold Venom and pet her, she just laid in my arms and slept for a bit "you seem to love dogs quite a bit, why don't you have one?" Gerard questioned "Well my complex doesn't allow pets". he nodded his head and sat down me with two cups of steaming coffee "Sugar, cream?" "No thanks i like my coffee black just like my metal" Gerard laughed and stroked Venom while i held her. "About last night" Gerard started "Gee its ok, it was a sore subject and you didn't do anything wrong" he shook his head "No, no i mean, i wanna go somewhere". I mouthed a small 'oh' "well where, it is the weekend" I smiled and took a sip "No no i mean run away" I was a bit surprised I opened my mouth to respond when he cut me off "but I have to tell you something" I just sat there waiting for the something.

"I'm a diagnosed highly intelligent, high functioning sociopath, basically I'm a genius who is antisocial and lacks empathy" I just sat there for a minute soaking all the information in, a little bit taken aback. "U-um" was all I could really say, Gerard started to tear up"I need to know you're okay with that be-before we can take th-"I didn't want Gerard to cry, ever, I really didn't. Gerard was so beautiful and I couldn't bear seeing his eyes red and puffy, that soft skin turned pink and sensitive. So I set V down and pulled Gerard into a passionate kiss, G placed his hands over my chest, and wrapped them around my waist. I pulled away and looked at his beaming face, "I love you Gee, and there's nothing that can change that, ever" I said as he moved his hands to cup my face "I love you too baby" Gerard yelled and jumped on my lap, now tears of joy pooling in his beautiful hazel eyes. 

"But wait a second, you have a lack of empathy, could you hurt me, i-if you got mad enough" he sort of slumped down on my lap "well it's sorta complicated, i have these fits of anger and I only have a lack of empathy towards people I don't care about or people who don't care about me, which excludes you. But if I did you can't be afraid to hurt me, not like kill me but you'd have to i don't know break my arm" there was a moment of silence before I spoke. "Okay Gee"I whispered rubbing my hands against his neck and bring him into my arms for a hug "do you hate me" Gerard mumbled against my skin"hell no, lets go for a walk honey and we can talk about all this. K babe?". I lifted him off me and grabbed my jacket "come on hun, plus your car's still at school we should pick it up" Gerard stood and patted V on the head goodbye as he walked over and pulled on his jacket. "Alright lets go" we walked to the elevator and he smiled when the doors shut and hugged me "love you" I grinned and chuckled "love you too"

Gerard and I pulled up to the school and he hopped off "you wanna walk up to the Starbucks across the street" I asked as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "lets do it" we joined hands and begun to walk through an alleyway that led to the coffee shop "he faggots" a guy jumped out of the shadows "hey asshole" i laughed as I stepped in front of Gerard. "whats wrong did I squash your rainbow" the dark person teased, i opened my mouth to respond and before I knew it he was on top of me punching me over and over. "Get the fuck off of him" Gerard yelled and jumped on him, strangling him I stumbled over to a wall and watched as Gerard pulled out a switchblade, he had the stranger in a headlock with the blade held to his neck. "whats your name princess" he whispered harshly into the man's ear.

"B-bert ple-please do-" Gerard cut him off in a sing songy voice "Say you're sorry Bert" "Gerard!" I yelled pleading him to stop. "Im sorry I'm so so sorry" the man pleaded before Gerard dragged the blade across his neck, "not. good. enough".Red oozed from the slit and dripping onto the concrete beneath him as his body went limp and fell to the ground"Gerard!". I screamed running over to his blood cover self. "Yes Frankie" Gerard smiled a bit creepily at me "what the fuck" I yelled shaking him "he was hurting you frank" Gerard reached for my face and wiped the blood from my face  "Come on we gotta get outta here". Gee grabbed my wrist and led me back to the school parking lot "so we go back to your apartment then what call the cops" I asked still a little shaken up "Hell no we gotta go- we have to get the fuck out of Jersey"

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