9; Anytime You Want

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We climbed into his car "what about my motorcycle" I asked "sorry babe we gotta leave it " I whined a bit and accepted it. I sorta felt tingly when we made it to his complex my head was everywhere, I felt different. Gerard tried to get up out of the car and I grabbed his arm "Thank you baby-you were so brave for me" I said, something in my head clicked and I was acting different "your welcome honey". I jumped on Gerard's lap to straddle him and kissed him hard feeling the adrenaline course through me. "Gerard i don't wanna be daddy anymore" I whined and pulled away "well than I can be daddy and you'll be my pretty baby boy huh?" Gerard suggested which I nodded my head to.

I grinded my hips on his and he let out a growl "Baby" Gerard grabbed my hair and choked me, he let go of my hair and undid my belt with his free hand. I felt his hand grip the base of my cock I let out a loud moan as he stroked me "you like that Frankie" Gee undid his pants as well and smiled at me evilly "Daddy asked you a question" he gripped tighter around my neck "Yes Daddy" It sounded a bit quiet because his hand was so tight around my throat. Gerard threw me into the back seat and followed "Beg for me whore" I bit my lip as he crawled towards me, I backed up so my back was against the door "Please daddy" I whimpered and he smiled, brushing his red hair away from his eyes. "dirty slut" Gerard sneered as he lunged at me spreading my legs in the process"come on daddy" I pleaded again. Gee threw his and my pants in the trunk and kissed my neck "Im not surprised this didn't happen sooner, you're about 5 inches shorter that me" he laughed and looked at me lustfully. "you need prep baby boy"he asked and i nodded he licked two fingers and pressed them against my entrance, I winced and he laughed at my expression.

I felt more pressure before I felt them inside of me, I hissed "Im sorry honey just wait-" I felt a feeling I'd never felt. Pain and pleasure mixed all at once "Daddy" I yelled "there it is " after that Gerard added another finger and ponded into that spot, I was practically melting under his touch. "Are you ready baby" Gerard whispered into my ear, I nodded and whimpered. I felt Gerard's tip enter me and bottomed out after a few seconds "p-please move" I pleaded. He shifted his hips and hit that spot again"Gerard" I screamed as he ponded into me, fire filled his eyes as he wrapped his hand around my neck once again "what was that baby, whats my name?" he asked harshly "Da-ddy, I'm so so-rry da-ddy"I stuttered in rhythm with his thrusts"Thats better baby boy".

I felt the fire in my gut as he pinned my wrists against the window and looked my in the eyes still pounding into me "yeah you like that don't you, when your daddy dominates you and makes that pretty hair grow wet with sweat" I was breathing so rapidly and I could barely  shake my head 'yes' "mhm" was all I could say along with a few moans "s-so c-lose da-ddy". As soon as he heard those words he pounded into me harder and faster than before "come for me slut" Gerard breathed on me as I felt his hot cum fill me. I finally felt release as i screamed "Daddy" and looked Gerard in the eyes, he pulled out and smiled brushing my sweaty hair from my face. "I think I like this little arrangement " Gerard laughed pulling on his pants I just sat there breathing heavily and starring at him with a small smirk on my face.

"Daddy i think you fucked up my head" his eyes narrowed in confusion"what babe?" He questioned "you know how the Joker turned Harley into a whack job, I think you're my Joker because Im not feeling right. In fact I feel better I feel powerful...puddin" we cracked up at that one "well I'll be your Joker if you want me to" we silently made our way up to his room. "We better start packing" i warned opening his closet "run away with me?" I walked up to Gerard and wrapped my arms around his neck "Of course"

GERARDS POV (because i want to)


I was sorta surprised at the way Frank was acting he was so, submissive, crazy almost, and that way his eyes changed. They were different from yesterday, they wandered more they didn't show emotion unless he wanted them to, and his smile went from cheeky and vibrant to dark, and dangerous, and I have to say I fucking liked it. "Hey Frankie you feelin alright?" I asked lovingly as he grabbed my suitcase out of the closet "better than ever" I walked over to him and grabbed the suitcase. "I wanna try something" Frank said with a huff which I laughed at "I hate boys clothes daddy" I whipped my head around, a smile stretched across my face "well we'll just have to do something about that wont we". Frank nodded slightly and smiled up at me "Wheeeen" he whined as I stuffed my bag full of the essentials "Don't whine baby boy, we can go shopping once we get out of town.

"We cant forget about Bert" Frank snickered at that, I felt his arms wrap around me, and his warm body against my back "I cant believe you did that for me daddy, you're my hero". I turned around and or the first time noticed a cut on his nose, forehead and lip, I furrowed my eyebrows with concern. "whats wrong Gee" he asked worriedly "your cuts" I said rubbing his cheeks "lets clean you up". I said grabbing his hand and leading him into the bathroom I patted the counter and he hopped up. "bastard" I huffed I couldn't believe someone would do this because of a sexuality. This shit urked me so much "what baby" he asked "how could someone do this" I cupped his face with my fingers and rubbed his cheeks with my thumbs. "scar your pretty soft skin"

"you took care of me, you saved me daddy" Frank hugged me, I felt his smile against my neck which made me beam. "okay kitten, let me clean you up now" he pulled away and I bent over to grab some cotton balls and alcohol. The clear liquid saturated the white ball "this is gonna sting, you can squeeze my hand" Frank took my wrist. I pressed the cotton ball against his forehead and he hissed at the pain, once i'd disinfected the cut I grabbed a band aid and pressed the edges firmly onto his skin. Once I'd done it to all three except for his lip, that'd have to heal openly, I kissed the band aids, making a little sound with each one "thank you daddy" Frank hugged me and hopped off the counter. "Can we go to my place to get my  stuff" I thought about what we might need "you got any money?" I asked knowing that to get away from the cops we'd need money, weapons and I knew that Bert wouldn't be the last man's life I took.

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