Chapter five

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Carlos p.o.v

I slowly started to wake up and was attempting to stretch my arms but something was over my body that was causing problems. I opened up my eyes and was faced with Ben's chest. He had his arms rapped tightly around my body. After a couple more attempts to get up I just snuggled back up into his chest. I heard a soft yawn and a soft chuckle. I looked up at Ben to see that he was looking right at me. I immediately started to blush when he bended down and kissed me on my forehead. "I think we should start to get ready for school" he said, while releasing me from his strong grip. I slowly stood up and went to the bathroom. I closed the door and took off my clothes. I went into the shower and started to clean myself up for the day.

Time skip to school~

I walked to my locker and got all the stuff I need. I went to my classroom and took the desk next to mal. "So how is your leg doing Carlos?" Make asked while looking at my cast. "I don't know, but I will just have to wait to find out" I said to her. Me and her then just started to talk about random stuff until the teacher came in and started are lesson.

Time skip to after classes~

I walked into my dorm and laid on my bed while petting duke. I closed my eyes and slowly started to fall asleep. I suddenly was......


I'm sorry that I'm doing this but I want you to vote for which of these options will be his dream that I will write about.

#1: Carlos is not accepted for being with Ben.

#2: Carlos is married to Ben and is going to have a baby.

#3: Ben goes and cheats on Carlos with mal.

So these are your options so just comment the number for which ever option you want and the one with most votes I'll write about....yeah so go vote


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