3 - Are you actually blushing?

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A/N so ik it's not Thursday but someone wanted me to update already so why not? ;)
3 - Are you actually blushing?
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[Ethan's POV]

"Are you done editing my SKETCH IS A ROBLOX TOY video?" asks my brother Elijah as we head upstairs to our rooms.

"Yeah. I'm done with it. Are you gonna record?"

"Yeah," he replies. "How about you?"

"Record too, I guess. For my channel. See ya later."

We disappear inside our rooms.

I sit down on my chair and put on my headphones. I get my recording and gaming stuff ready. While waiting for OBS to open, I check my Twitter notifs.

It's hard keeping up with my notifications lately, since lot of people follow me now. Sometimes I even ignore it.

I scroll down. Hmm. Just the usual -- people liking, retweeting my tweets...some replies...some fanarts. I stop scrolling for a moment to like and retweet some specific fanarts. There. That should do. I keep scrolling. New follows...a tweet that says I'm better than Elijah....ha. I highly agree.

I refresh the page. I have three new notifications.

Allison Keith (@ally_kth) followed you.

Allison Keith (@ally_kth)
@BandiRue YO ETHAN. It's me Allison. Remember me? We were friends in middle school, and I was Elijah's lab partner in 6th grade. Please...

Allison Keith (@ally_kth)
[replying to @ally_kth and @BandiRue]
...follow me. I really need to DM you

I sit back. Allison...I don't really remember an Allison. Who knows, maybe it's just a fan trying to make me follow her.

I close the Twitter tab and start recording.

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When I finish recording, I press my ear against Elijah's door. I wait for a few seconds, and he doesn't sound like he's talking. So I burst inside.

"Dude! Do you even knock?" Elijah exclaims. He's lying on bed and glaring at me while holding his phone.

"Don't care," I say breathlessly.

Elijah throws a pillow at me.

"Get out," he yells.

"I'm done recording," I say.

"Still," he says. "GTFO."

"Wait, I need to ask you something," I say.


I scratch my arm. "So do you know a girl named Allison Keith?"

Elijah blushes. I smile.

"So you do know her," I say.

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