6 - I wonder why we cook bacon and bake cookies?

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6 - I wonder why we cook bacon and bake cookies?

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I've been talking to Ethan a lot lately. It is pretty fun, even though he is the most annoying person I've ever met in nineteen years.

We sometimes play Would You Rather?

Ally: McDonald's or Burger King?

Ethan: Idk, you?

Ally: Um, idk either

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Ethan: lose chances or take the risks?

Ally: hmm...lose the risk and take the chances! :D I mean, why not, amirite

Ethan: srsly

Or Never Have I Ever.

Ally: never have I ever been to Canada

Ethan: I have ;)

Ally: oh right. You went to meet Denis, Corl, and Alex. Lucky

Ethan: yeaaaahhh

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Ethan: Never have I ever eaten

Ally: same

Ethan: ha, I dont believe you

Ally: tell me why I would eat poop

Ethan: three words: you. Are. Weird.

Ally: well I dont believe you never ate poop. You probably did

It was sixty-five percent trying to know each other and the rest for annoying each other. Yeah, I know. Some friends, aren't we?

We also ask ourselves weird questions...

Ally: Yo Ethan

Ethan: yoooo

Ally: I wonder why we cook Bacon and bake cookies?

Ally: shouldn't we bake bacon and cook cookies?

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Ethan: why the heck do we walk with our legs, not with our arms?

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