7 - Ethan called me weirdly normal

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7 - Ethan called me weirdly normal
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"Are you serious?" Kayleigh yells.


"You did it?"

"Well, not actually it, but I kind of did."

"I can't believe you."

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[Two days ago]

Ally: It's already August

Ethan: man, days are fast

Ally: ikr right

Ethan: why do you have to say "right" when there's already an r?

Ally: because it means "I know right right." Don't you get it?

Ethan: you know i don't understand girly stuff

Ally: I'm not girly

Ethan: right. What are you?

Ally: pretty ordinary. Average

Ethan: I like that

Ally: what?

Ethan: I like people that are weirdly normal

Ally: I'm weirdly normal?

Ethan: yeah yw

Ally: srsly?

Ethan: yeah I was serious

Ally: uh ty I guess

Ethan: I meant it. You know Ally, you're a special kind of person. You're sweet, and fun and cool and awesome. I'm glad we're friends. Thanks for always being able to talk to me.

Ally: wow are you for real? thanks Ethan.

Ethan: ofc. And u know what Ally?

Ally: what?

Ethan: You are the most annoying person I've ever met

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