Not My Choice

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"You guys are so cute! You are so going to last forever." I smiled at Layla's comment. Her smile was bright white and wide. Her blonde hair fell infront of her brown eyes. She pushed the hair away and tucked it behind her ears.

"I hope so,"I agreed with my voice trailing off. I looked at James and smiled. He was perfect, he was kind, loving, safe and all mine. He sat a table across the cafeteria, helping a boy about my age with something that looked like homework. He looked up and caught my eye. He smiled and waved then turned to the boy. He leaned into the boys ear, whispering something. They smiled at eachother and shook hands. I wondered what they were saying.  James got up and walked over to me planting a kiss on my cheek. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me.

"Hey baby," he sexily whispered in my ear before nibbling it. "James" i yelled laughing. He moved away and gave me a long stare." Are you too embaressed to let me show my love for you in front of everyone" he asked with a sly smile across his face. He pulled me up and sat in my seat. I frowned and he laughed. "That was my seat" I argued. James reached for my wrist and pulled me down onto his lap. I smiled innocently and reached for his neck pulling him into a kiss. His soft lips touched mine softly and our kiss became more intense and passionate.

"Ew" a voice shrieked. I broke the kiss to see who said it and my friend Seth walked up from behind  us and stuck out his tongue. I laughed and stuck mine out too. "Hey now, that is mine" James argued kissing me again. His tongue slipped through my lips and explored every part of my mouth. I pushed him away and tried to catch my breath.

"Whats up" I asked Seth. He shrugged and i laughed at the sad attempt of an answer. "Hold on" he said, raising a finger. He left the table and Layla and I exchanged confused looks. A minute later Seth came back with a bagel in his mouth. My stomach grumbled loud and everyone looked at me.  I shrugged it off and looked back at Seth who had his bagel half devoired. I looked at him with puppy eyes and he laughed.

"Is this what you want" he asked bringing a bagel from behind his back. I nodded vigerously attempting to grab it. I failed. He laughed and so did James and Layla. "Please" I begged. "Can I hve it?" He looked at the bagel and back at me. "It is your favorite kind of bagel," He began "And you do look hungry." I laughed and he threw me the onion bagel. I took a big bite out of it and smiled.

"Great," James sighed. "Now you have onion breath!" I laughed and blew on his nose to make sure he had smelled my onion breath. He held his nose and his breath.  Everyone laughed and James stopped holding his breath.  The bell rang and Layla and James went to their next class.  Seth walked up to me and held out his hand. I grabbed it and we walked down the hall. He hummed all the way to our next class and I joined him.

Seth was my best friend, we did everything together. We told eachother everything and didn't care what people thought. He helpes me with everything; math, english, girl problems. You name it, he helps. He likes to buy food, flowers  and movies when it's my time of the month. I like to help him too but he doesn't need it as much as me. I help him with girl troubles along with family complications.

"Come in class" The teacher said gesturing us inside.  "Today, we are just going to be working on a worksheet so please come grab one and start working." Everyone moaned and got up swarming the teachers desk. I am suprised she didn't sufficate. I grabbed the paper and hit my head against the desk. I couldn't do the math, I didn't get it.

I felt a hand tap my shooulders and looked to see Seth above me, "Looks like you need some help" He laughed. I nodded and he knelt down to hug me. He showed me what to do and heped me through every problem. "Thank you so much" I yelled hugging him again. The bell rang again and we escaped the horrible mouth of the mathosaurous. "See you later! Your place or mine" Seth asked, waving goodbye. "Mine" I replied waving back.

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