Chapter 7

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"Take me home. Take me home! Take me home, Take me home. take me home!!"  

Johnathon turned up the radio ignoring my cry. I gave up and decided to listen to the music and get this over with. Where was he taking me? Wait! If i don't want to go and he is forcing me... does that make it kidnapping? Oh my god! I am being kidnapped!

"Don't worry, it won't be long" Johnathon informed me.

"Great! First of all, it would be great if you told me where you were taking me and, it would be even better if you just took me home. I am tired! I want to sleep."

Johnathon smirked and took a deep breath. "You can sleep at my house."

"WHAT? I am not going to your house nevermind sleeping there."

"Oh come on! Fine, you don't have to stay there but you  do have to come. I want to show you something and I am afraid this might be my only chance to show you."

I groaned and crossed my arms across my chest. Johnathon smiled and turned into a large driveway. A huge house showed up at the end, it looked like a mansion! Johnathon stopped the car and got out. I followed him inside the mansion. When I stepped inside the  mansion my stomach twisted, I was having a bad feeling about this place. 

"Um, Johnathon? Please take me home. I don't feel very well."

"Just a couple more minutes! I want to show you that thing I was taking about."

I groaned and stood my ground until Johnathon picked me up. He carried me all the way upstairs and wouldn't stop even though I kicked and punched him. He wouldn't put me down! I looked around and found many doors closed in the hallway.  I wonder what they go to....

Johnathon turned into a large room. It had a huge bed and paintings everywhere. They were good, really good. Its like you could just jump into the canvases and live inside them. 

"Johnathon..." He interupted me by putting a finger over my lips. He ran to a corner of his room and turned from a covered canvas. 

"Okay, before you see this, I want you to know that I worked really hard on this. Every second I had in spare time I used on this and I am so happy that you'll be the first one to see it."  He took a deep breath and took the cover off the painting. I gasped. It was beautiful. It was of a girl hugging a black wolf. A huge wolf. you could see every strand of hair on the wolf and the girl. It looked so amazing. Almost life like.  

"Wow, Johnathon! This is amazing." I couldn't get any other words out.

"You really think so? I painted it for you! Can't you tell? The perfect blue eyes, the golden hair, it's of you!" He was right! the girl in the painting looked alot like me. I nodded at his question. "I want you to take it. I painted it for you, so please take it home." I nodded once more and smiled. 

He drove me home after that, I waved goodbye and walked into the house. My parents were a sleep, thankfully. I knew I would get in trouble if I was caught out this late. I ran upstairs into my bedroom with the painting and stared at the wall. I hung it on the wall next to my bed. It really was beautiful. I fell onto my bed and quickly fell to sleep. 

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