Chapter 8

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Knocking at my door woke me up. I groaned in frustration. It is saturday! Saturdays are ment to be able to sleep in!

"Come in," I screamed hiding under the blankets. The door opened and shut. Who ever walked in sat down on the bed next to me. I popped my head out from under the blanket and looked at my intruder.goi Seth sat smiling at me and laughed when I groaned again.  

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Ready for what?"

"We are going to the beach" He announced excitedly.

I groaned again. I never am good for anything before ten. I thought Seth knew that. "Why are we going so early? Can't we go later? Like five pm? What time is it anyway?"

"It's six now and we can't leave that late. The nearest beach is four hours away, we are going to go with some of my pa- um friends." 

"Fine. Face the wall so I can get changed." He nodded and turned towards the wall. I got out of the bed and stripped out of my clothes replacing them with my bright purple bikini. 

"What they hell is this?" Seth growled staring at the painting Johnathon gave me.  

"Um, Johnathon gave it to me. I like it. He painted it himself, don't you like it?"

"No," He said coldly. "I hate it. How did he even give it to you? He wasn't  in this room so you had to have gone to him. What were you doing with him?" He questioned turning towards me and staring into my eyes.  He seems really angry almost like he was jealous. 

"It was nothing, I swear."

"Tell me!" He ordered. He took a step forward, I took one back. I have never seen him like this. It's scaring me. He kept taking steps forward and I backed up into the wall.

"I did it to help a boy out. Johnathon was freaking out so I agreed to go out with him but only as friends. He braught me to a resturant and then to his house. I-"

"He braught you to his house? No wonder you smell like them."

"Smell like who?" Seth took a step back and paced around the room. He tried calming himself but instead grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the house. 

"Get in the car." He stepped inside the car and slammed the door shut. I jumped from the noise and stepped in the car. I didn't even get to buckle my seat belt before he sped out of the driveway. 

"Slow down. Seth please! You are scaring me. Slow down." I screamed but he didn't listen. Instead he hit the gas harder and we sped faster. Just then a black wolf stepped in front of the car. It was huge much more taller than a wolf should be. Seth didn't stop, he kept going trying to run the wolf over. The wolf jumped over the car and turned to watch the car stop.  Seth jumped out and slammed the door running towards the over sized wolf. I jumped out and screamed his name begging him to stop. what was he doing? He could get hurt!

He kept running towards the wolf and the wolf started running towards him too. Both of them were growling at eachother.  Seth jumped in the air and another wolf landed. It was white. Where did that wolf come from? Where did Seth go? I must be dreaming. I did not just see Seth turn into a wolf! That only happens in movies and books... I am going crazy!

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