Chapter 3

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"When are you going to leave," I complaned oncee Johnathon and I were in my room alone. He smiled but didn't say a wod. He just sat on my bed and patted the spot next to him. I, of course ignored it. "Get off my bed." he is going to annoy me. He annoyed me when I first met him! He didn't get ff my bed. Was he ever going to listen to me?

"Baby, you need to come sit nnext to me!" I looked at him, angrilly and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down.

"Don't touch me!" He is really pissing me off. I got off the bed as fast as I could and grabbed my jacket. Inside it I found my cell phone. I texted Seth with SOS and I waited. I didn't bother texting James. He has basketball practice. Plus, Seth would always be my first choice when it comes to me being in trouble. This was definatly trouble.

"Are you okay? I got your text! What's wrong- oh." Seth came into the room and saw Johnathon.  He knew how much I hated him and to have him in my bedroom was a big issue.  He immediatly crossed his arms over his chest. His jaw tightened. "Johnathon, what are you doing? Don't touch her! go home. She doesn't like you."

Johnathon stared at Seth with so much anger. He finally pulled away and looked at me. I just nodded. Why didn't he listen to me before when I basically said that? "Go home" I told Johnathon. His jaw tightened once I said this but I can't worry about that now.  He walked towards the door and stopped behind me. I felt his cold breath on my bare neck. It made me fringe. "I will be back, baby. But next time you wont be able to get rid of me." He whispered so harshly but so quietly so only I woould hear. "Infact, Nextime you'll come willingly. And not even your boyfriend can help you."

I was scared. The only thing that could come out of my mouth was " He is not my boyfriend."  I looked at Seth and he looked worried. He probably  waanted to know what Johnathon had said but I just shook my head. Johnsthon walked out and I could hear my front door slam. I dropped to my bed and let Seth lay next to me.

"What did he say? Did he touch you? I swear if he hurt you, I will kill him!"

I laughed at him and shook my head. "He didn't hurt me." I completely ignored the other questions. I love how I can have someone as amazing as Seth.  I am completely lucky.  I asked Seth if he could stay the night and he nodded. I made a spot on the floor for him and climbed back onto my bed. I fell to sleep instantly.

"So he did all that just so he can be with you for a few hours? That is some creepy shit!" I laughed at Layla's choice of vocabulary.

"I guess, weird right?"  

"Totally! Did you hear? Olive cheatedd on Eric on Damian! Can you believe it?" This is definatly one of Layla's drama sessions. She gets way to into them. I am suprised she doesn't eveen start the drama herself. " I mean cheating is wrong but why would you cheat on someone like Eric with someone like Damian? I just don't get it! You don't want to down grade on guys, it's just not how it is done!" I thought about Eric and Damian.. Eric is very cute; he had that whole I am a bad boy on the outside but a softy on the inside thing going on. Damian id more like someone who cares more about his family and friends than acting cool. He is a big sweetheart which probably attracted Olive.  "Are you even listening to me?" Layla stopped walking and stared at me.

"I am listening, I was just thinking why she would cheat on Eric with Damian. ALmost all the girls were jelaous because she was dating Eric and now Damian? Oh my gosh! Did Eric find out? Did they break up? Are her and Damian a thing now?" \

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I do know that Eric just found out that she cheated on him and he is pretty pissed off but he hasn't broken up with her. He thinks she will come back to him. I think he should just forget her and ask me out. I would totally say yes!"

I laughed, "of course you would. Anyway I got to go to class. Mrs. Hert is trying to fail me."

"Okay! Good luck, ill see you at lunch."

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