Chapter 2

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Ok, So i know its not done yet but still... ENJOY!

"Have you ever realised that the clouds loook painted?"

I laughed, "Don't you mean painted clouds look real?"

Seth thought for a mintue and then shrugged. I laughed again.

Here we are in my tree house. The place where Seth became the little prince searching for his curly hair Cinderella. The tree where two friends made many decisions together. I remember nights spent up here making sure we were going out with the right people. Giving advice on everything. So many times here and one still rose above all the others.

"Hey seth?"


"Do you remember that night in ninth grade after Janette's party?"

This time he laughed. He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, I remember it."

"Would you take it back? What we did?" I asked him. His smiled turned into a frown and he moved closer to me so I got a good look at him.

"No, I woulodn't take it back. Not even for  Tyra Banks! It was our first kiss. Yes, it was OUR last, but I would never, ever take it back. " I smiled. We were upset, that night. Everyone was braging about their first kiss and we hadn't had ours. Even though we weren't dating we kissed. It wasn't bad, it wasn't bad at all. The best part was we were just friends. Nothing more, Nothing less. Well, We were bestfriends, we ARE bestfriends. Nothing can ever change that.

"I am so glad you are my bestfriend. I don't know what I would do with out you." I confessed. Seth gripped my arms and pulled me so close to where my head was resting on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and sighed.

"I don't know what I would do without you either."

We layed there for what seemed like seconds before my mom called out.

"Seth! Your parents called! They want you home!" I moaned. Why did he have to go so soon? He seems to leave alot lately. I got up and lat my arms stretch. Seth did the same. "Well, I will see you tomarrow! Bye!" He gave me a hug and a wave goodbye  before he got out of the treehouse.  I stayed up in the treehouse just for a little while longer. Everything is so perfect with me life right now. I have an amazing bestfriend and the perfect boyfriend. It seems like a fairytale. I am just hoping that in this fairytale there is no dragon.

"Hey cutie." Oh gosh.It's  Johnathon. He is the only problem in this fairytale. I wouldn't say he is a dragon or the beast. He is more of just a stuck up bully. Who happens to like me.

"Don't call me that." I demanded. He climbed up into the tree and grabbed my wrist. "Let go of me"

"Baby, you are so adorable when you  are angry." He is really getting on my nerves. "Your mom invited me over fo dinner."

I panicked. Why would she do that? How does she even know about him and why him? I do not even talk to him that much besides ffor the times like now and when he follows me in the halls. Can you say freak? My definition  of freak: Johnathon. "Don't call me that either and why would she do that?"

He shrugged, " I could have told her that we have a big project together and we need to work on it." My mouth must have dropped because he looked at me and smiled again.  "Don't worry, your mom said I can only stay until ten."

"ten? I am not hanging out with you that long!" I panicked. He tried hugging me but I backed away from him before he could touch me.

"Baby, don't hate! you know you like me." I laughd. That was really funny.

"Don't call me that! Johnathon just go home. I don't like you and I never will okay? Just go home. " I tried to push him towards the edge of the treehouse. Hm, maybe he will fall off! Pushing him didn't work out, he was way too strong.

"Dinner is ready!" My mom screamed. Shereally shouldn't scream. Her voice gets rough when she does, I don't think that is healthy. We climbed down the treehouse, Johnathon grabbed my waist and followed me. "Don't touch me!" I whispered hoping my mom wouldn't hear. He let go and frowned. Finally1 maybe he is starting to get the ideathat i DO NOT like him! 

"Thanks mom for the dinner its really good."

"Yes thank you. It is delicious!" I think that is the first time I ever heard Johnathon thank someone. Hm, maybe he does have manners after all.

"I am glad you kids like it. So what is the project your worrking on together?" I tried to tell her Johnathon lied to her just so he can hang with me but he inturrupted me.

"It is just a history project on Imperialism. Nohing too exciting."He almost sounded believable but it passed for mom. She smiled and nodded dismissing any further questions. Thank God.

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