Chapter 19

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I was stuffing Annies body into the closet when I heard the door slam shut. Johnathon is home, I thought. 

"Kat! Baby! Where are you?" Time to put the next step into action.

"I am right here baby!" I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him. He tensed at my sudden affection but relaxed soon after.

"I knew youd give in to me, Baby."

"I missed you so much, please dont leave me again." I lied straight through my teeth. I couldn't stand him. His touch made me want to throw up. I grabbed his hand and gulped down the possible puke threatening to come up. "Come, I can't wait any longer."

His eyebrow raised in suspision so i did the next best thing i could, I know I will regret it but I need him to come with me to finish what I started. I kissed him. His lips were soaked against mine and I did everything possible not to gag. While kissing him I slowly pushed him into the room that I have spent who knows how long in.

He let me push him, but carefully making sure I didn't break our kiss. When we were in the room he pushed me ontop of the bed and got on top of me. His hands roamed around my body making me shiver in disgust. He took the shivering as a good thing because he gripped my waist hard and kissed me even harder. He let out a moan and moved his hands towards my no touching zone. He got a little too close before I grabbed the knife from under the pillow. His eyes widened just like Annies.

"I will never love you!" I screamed. i stabbed him again. And again and again. His eyes started  closing when I pushed him off me and walked to the closet. I opened the door and a lifeless Annie dropped out. I kicked Johnathon to make sure he was still alive and sure enough he was. 

"See this? Your mate is dead! Your true mate, but you didn't realise who she was because your an ass! You could've been happy but no! You had to do this!" I started waving my hands around. "I hate you! I hate you!"

He groaned in pain holding his chest where i had stabbed him. "Now you are going to join her." I told him before bending down and stabbing him one last time.

Seth, i thought. Seth

Kat, you better tell me where you are. Now!

Hold on one sec. Let  me see if there is anything special where you will have an idea where I am 'cuz i have no clue.

I walked out the door wiping Johnathons blood on my clothes. Trees surrounded me and nothing popped out so I could tell where I was. I continued walking through the trees until I came to an opening. It was a beach, with a small beach house to my left. 

A beach. I am at a beach.

Is there anything else about this beach so I can figure out which beach?

Um, theres a little beach house, trees are near it and oh! theres a a little stream with a bridge over it.

I know where you are! I am coming, stay there!

Suddenly I got really dizzy.I  should've eaten something before I left. I haven't eaten in a long time.

Hurry, Seth. I dont know how long I can stay awa-

Blackness took over as I fell unconscience. It's suprising that I lasted this long or even had the energy to do everything I did. I didn't think I would. 


"Baby? Wake up," Seths voice was clear as day, But my mind wasn't. I was able to hear him but I couldn't see him. I tried to open my eyes but my eye lids were too heavy. I wasn't on the beach, I knew that but where was I? I felt around and felt a pillow fluffed to perfection. A bed so comfortable and familiar. I was in Seth's bed, I was in our bed.

"Baby! You are awake!" Arms wrapped around me and I felt his warm breath on my neck. I felt his tears against my skin as I began to cry too. I missed him so much. His soft lips connected with mine as my eyes finally opened. 

"I love you Kat!" he cried out. 

"I love you, Seth. I am so sorry!" You knonw the saying cry me a river? Well, that is what I did. I cried a river, I couldn't help it. We sat there for hours just laying in eachothers arms crying.

"You know we'll have to talk about what happened right?"  Seth wiped his tears and stared at me intensly. 

"I know, but I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to be with you. I want to sleep." I yawned. He nodded in agreement and pulled me closer leaving tingles everywhere he touched my skin. I closed my eyes and sighed. I'm happy to be back home.

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