Chapter 11

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Rin observed her friend and wondered how a sweet girl like her could ever fall in love with their teacher.

Several days later, during morning break, she decided to confront Konoe directly about it.

"Hey, Konoe, can we talk for a second?"

"Eh? Sure...." she said in confusion.

The two girls walked away from the others and went somewhere they couldn't be heard.

Konoe was confused, not knowing why her friend had brought her out to the school garden.

"Konoe, you like Fujigaya Sensei, don't you?" Rin asked abruptly.

"Eh? Eeeeeeehhhhhh?!" Konoe yelled, "Wh-why would you think that? There is no way I'd like a teacher." she stuttered as she spoke, it was obvious Konoe was lying.

"C'mon Konoe, I've known you since we were little. There's nothing you can hide from me." Konoe lowered her head. "How can you like a guy that old? He's our teacher, why do you like him?"

"I don't know." she muttered, looking down.

"What do you mean, you don't know?!" Konoe started feeling intimidated by her friend who was demanding for more information.

"I don't know why!" she started. "I just feel uneasy and my heart beats faster around him. I love to look at Sensei when he's teaching and I can't stand not seeing him for a full day and I can't sleep thinking about him. I.... I love Sensei! I can't explain why, but I know that I'm in love with him." she gasped for air.


"I'm sorry Rin, for not telling you this earlier. I thought you would think I'm weird for liking our teacher."

Rin chuckled, "You are weird," Konoe looked up at her, "but I won't stop being your friend because of that."

Konoe's face suddenly formed a smile, "Rin... Thank you!" she burst into tears and hugged her friend.

Rin patted her friend on the head.

"Please don't tell Chiyo! If she finds out, the whole school will know that I like Sensei." Konoe begged to her friend.

"Sensei? Which Sensei?" Aki suddenly appeared behind Konoe and Rin.

The two girls yelled out in surprise "Aki?!"

"W-What are you talking about Aki-chan? No one said anything like that." Rin tried to protect Konoe's secret, but at the same time afraid of Aki.

"Idiot." Aki punched Rin's head, "I just heard Konoe say she loves Sensei. Which one?"

Konoe and Rin looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Aki sighed, "Let me guess, Fujigaya Sensei?"

"Ehh?! How did you know? I- I mean, what are you talking about? I don't like any Sensei. Tehe~" Konoe scratched her head, trying to do her best at lying.

"Umm, Konoe, not even I would believe that." Rin commented.

"So we were right, the time you were looking at him in the GYM."

"You knew?"

"You're a really easy person to read. You can't hide your thoughts from anyone."

"I guess it is wise that Chiyo doesn't find out about this, but I believe she eventually will and if she finds out all of us know except her... This really is a problem. Oh well, I'll leave it up to you." Aki left, leaving the other two girls open-mouthed.

"Eh? Aki, help us!!"

Aki waved at them, "You are in High School now, learn to take care of your own problems."

"Aki's so cold." Rin said.

"Uhuh." Konoe agreed.

"What should we do? I wonder if we should tell Chiyo."

"Tell we what?" Chiyo suddenly appeared.

The two girls jumped in surprise, "At this rate I'll have a heart attack." Rin patted Konoe on the back and winked, "I'll leave this up to you." she left in fear.

"Rin, you coward!" Konoe turned to her confused looking friend.


Chiyo's phone rang, "Eh? A message from Rin? 'Konoe is in love ( ^ω^ )v' Ehh?!! Konoe is this true?"

Rin, I hate you. Konoe thought, swearing revenge on her friend.


"Konoe...." Chiyo had a threatening face on.

Konoe lowered her head an looked at the floor, "Yes."

"I knew it!! Who is it? Who is it?!"

"I can't tell you."

"Why? You told Aki and Rin, didn't you?" she pouted.

"They also don't know."

"Liar." Chiyo's face became angrier, "Why can't you tell me? Aren't I your friend as well?"

"Yes, but..."

"But?" Konoe fell silent. "Forget it! I don't care anymore. What a friend..." She stormed off.

Oh no, what have I done? I should've just told her. Konoe's mind filled with regret.

For the rest of the day, Chiyo didn't talk to Konoe, she even refused to sit next to her during lunch.

Konoe couldn't feel any worst. She had cleaning duty that day, so she couldn't go home with her friends."

Forbidden Love Between A Student and Her TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now