Chapter 20 (FINAL!!)

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Fujigaya POV

Maybe it’s best if I just forget about Konoe… After all, she’s my student, there’s no way she would feel the same way about me and it’s impossible for us to be together. It’s best if I avoid her, I’ll soon forget about her and move on.

3rd POV

The next day at school, when Konoe greeted Fujigaya cheerfully in the morning, happy about the day before, he returned her greeting with an uninterested tone. The whole day, he had been avoiding her. He looks away when their eyes meet, ignores her in class and doesn’t go looking for Konoe to talk to her.

During lunch, Konoe looked at her Sensei, but he continued ignoring her. Her eyes became teary, wondering why Fujigaya is ignoring her, thinking that maybe it’s her fault because of the kiss she gave him.

“Oi, Konoe.” Aki called out to her daydreaming friend.

Konoe suddenly began crying and wiped her eyes, trying to disguise it from her friends. “Sorry, I’m heading back first.” She ran off crying.

A while after, Fujigaya noticed Konoe was no longer sitting with the girls. He passed by their table, trying to overhear their conversation.

“Hey, Baka-Sensei!” Rin called him as he passed by them.

“What?!” he looked at her annoyed.

“What did you do to Konoe?”


“Then why did she just leave, crying?”

“Crying?” Fujigaya looked surprised.

“What did you do to her?!” Rin insisted as the other girls watched.

He sat down at their table and told them about their day together in the aquarium.

“Ehh?!” the girls yelled in unison, causing everyone to look in their direction. They lowered their voices, making sure no one would hear, “Konoe hugged you, and k-kissed you?” the girls exchanged looks with each other, looking surprised, “She doesn’t even hug us and she never kissed our cheeks either. Konoe is completely against touching people.”

Against touching people? Fujigaya recalled having hugged her multiple times, holding hands and the kiss. He touched his cheek and his eyes widened at a sudden realization. Sensei then got up abruptly from hi seat.

“Thanks.” He said and ran out the cafeteria.

Fujigaya searched for Konoe through the whole campus and finally found her walking in the hallway while rubbing her eyes. He suddenly grabbed her arm, “Come with me.” he took her into her classroom and locked the door behind them.

“Sensei?” Konoe said, on the verge of tears.

He stroked her cheek and gazed at her eyes, “You’ve been crying.”

Konoe looked down, “That’s because you've been avoiding me all day.” Few tears rained down her cheeks, “Sensei, do you hate me?”

Fujigaya suddenly hugged Konoe tightly, “No, I don’t hate you. I’m sorry Konoe. Please forgive me.” Konoe looked confused, but she held on tight to him.

“It must have been painful.” Fujigaya said, in a soothing and almost whispering voice.

 Eh? she thought

“I’m sorry for taking so long to notice your feelings.”

“Ehh?!” Konoe’s eyes widened, “H-how?”

He slowly separated himself from her, “Are you mad at me?”

“No, b-but—" she said flustered, still thinking of what he had just said, wondering if he finally found out that she likes him.

Sensei brought his face close to hers and grabbed her hand, gently pushing her against the wall of the classroom. Konoe blushed and stared fixedly into his eyes, confused.

“Konoe, thank you.” He suddenly gave her a sweet and gentle kiss on the lips. Konoe’s first kiss. She kept looking at him with her eyes wide open.

Their lips parted slowly, “Thank you for liking me.” He kissed her once more, this time more intensely. Konoe closed her eyes. “I love you.” Fujigaya said as their lips parted once more.

Konoe then buried her face in Fujigaya’s chest and started sobbing.


“Sensei, I…” Fujigaya lifted her chin.

“No. My crying face is too ugly, I don’t want Sensei to see it.” She hugged him tightly so to hide her face. “I also love Sensei.” He smiled, feeling relieved, and hugged her back.

The two of them locked away the fact of being teacher and student and Konoe was finally able to have the happy ending she had always wished for.


That's the end of this story.

Σ(゚д゚lll) So short! I actually thought it would have 10 chapters tops, but I got carried away, I really enjoyed writing this story.

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I can't wait to turn this story into a manga! \(≧∇≦)/

Please give me your feedback so that I can improve my writing. Thank you so much for all the support! I first thought I wouldn't get any votes for this story, but I guess I was wrong. Thank you so much!!

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