Chapter 15

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Konoe PoV:

After being with Sensei, I went over to Chiyo's house for the sleepover. I told them all about my day with Sensei at the mall and they laughed with me about what happened in the clothes store.

"He bought you icecream?!" Aki bursted out.

"You held hands?!" Chiyo yelled.

"What's the problem? They're just hands." Rin commented.

"Rin, you don't get it. Holding hands is something only couples do. The moment you hold your hands with the one you love and your heart is racing..." Chiyo kept on talking, too fast for us to keep up with her words.

"She's fantasizing again...." Rin said while waving her hand in front of Chiyo's face, waiting for a reaction.

"Haa~" I sighed and they all looked at me. "Chiyo, I wish I was as beautiful as you, maybe then Sensei would like me." Chiyo suddenly hugged me, "Don't look so depressed Konoe, you are pretty as well."

Chiyo has had so many boyfriends before, all guys like her. I wonder if Sensei also likes pretty girls like her....

We had a good time in the sleepover and the next day we walked around the city.

3rd PoV: Next Day

"Uaah, so pretty! Hey, look, look!" Konoe yelled cheerfully as she ran towards the river side. Rin ran after her.

"Jeez, Konoe, you look just like a little kid." Aki commented.

 All of a sudden, Chiyo started complaining at someone for going against her. 

"Sorry about that." a familiar voice apologized at the complaining Chiyo. "Oh, hi Chiyo. What are you doing here?"

"Fujigaya Sensei!" she smiled cheerfully at him, "I'm here with Aki, Rin, and Konoe."

"Konoe?" Fujigaya looked around only to find Aki and Rin.

"Hey, why didn't ypu have that reaction with the rest of our names?!" Rin grumbled.

Konoe was hiding behind Aki, then Rin pushed her against Sensei.

"Rin!" she exclaimed and then quickly stepped away from Sensei. "G-Good afternoon." she said in a low tone while blushing and looking away.

"Yo!" the confused Sensei said cheerfully. He lowered himself and said to her in a low tone, "Thanks for yesterday." Konoe blushed even more and simply nodded.

Fujigaya looked hurt, "Okay, then, bye girls. See you tomorrow. Rin, no skipping classes!" he smiled faintly as a disguise and ran off.

"Oy, Konoe, what was that? Why are you acting so distant towards him? Didn't you two have a good time together yesterday?" Chiyo commented.

"Yeah, but..." Konoe looked away, "It's embarassing to see him."

"Jeez, Sensei won't like you if you act like this..." Rin joked.

"Eh?" Konoe's eyes widened, she was now in the verge of tears.

"Rin! Don't say things like that." Chiyo scolded, "Don't listen to her Konoe, Sensei does like you. Even though he saw all of us, he only acknowledged you." She patted her friend's head. "He cares more about you than any one of us."

"You think so?" Konoe sniffled while wiping her tears.

"I know so."


I think I'm almost done writing this novel. It will probably be finished in two or three chapters. Thank you so much for all the support! I really appreciate it ^^ It will be sad to stop writing Forbidden Love Between A Student and Her Teacher, I had a lot of fun writing it so far. I'll try to make these last few chapters worth reading! Again, thank you so much for all the support ^-^

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