Five|| 'Help'

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A/N: This one takes place the day that you got home after finding the body with the boys. Warning for parents abusing their children, as that's what this chapter revolves around.

You got home from the trip with cut up arms and legs. You went inside. Your parents were on the couch. They saw you.

"WHERE IN THE FUCKING WORLD HAVE YOU BEEN YOU STUPID BITCH! GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!" Your dad yelled (A/N: not your real dad of course, since all this is an imagine. If this does happen to you in real life, and physical abuse is a part of it, please call someone and get some help!) You slowly walked over to him, worried what he might do. He yanked on your arm and slapped your face. He pushed you into walls and burned your arm with his cigarette. After he finally stopped and went upstairs, you got up with the little bit of strength you had, and made your way to the treehouse, where Teddy had been staying because he was hiding from his parents, but he only told you that he wasn't staying at home.

When you got there, you said as loud as you could, which wasn't very loud since you had just gotten beat, "Teddy... are you in there?" He opened the door slowly. He looked down at you.

"OH MY GOD, Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!" He yelled, running down to you. He somehow managed to pick you up and carry you up to the top of the treehouse. You sobbed, and hugged him when you two sat down inside the treehouse. You two talked for hours, until you fell asleep laying with him.

A/N: COMMENT REQUESTS PLEASE! Sorry this chapter is kinda short, but I just spent 3 HOURS on all these chapters. Thanks for understanding XOXO -Lena.

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