Chapter 8

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Danielle's POV

It was absolutely upsetting, having to see Hayes go through that, but what can I say? He doesn't deserve that? But what if he does, he let the one girl that loved and care for him go.

Meanwhile, Nash and Taylor(G) stepped outside and talked it out.

"Danielle what should I do," Hayes helplessly asked.

I looked at him, as a tear streamed down his face.

"I-I don't know, but I know you shouldn't be doing whatever you're doing right now," I answered.

"When I first met you, you were so innocent, what happened?" I asked him.

But that didn't seem to sit well with him, as he stood up and yelled,"well fuck you, everyone changes!"

I sat there, confused and scared as to what just happened.

"Hayes that's not what I meant!" I tried yelling back. But my tears wouldn't stop and my voice got lower.

"No you know what, not everyone can be like you. Not everyone's perfect and innocent like you. Expect fucken mistakes! God Danielle, honestly fuck you!" He yelled back even louder.

And even if I tried to speak, nothing would come out as I began sobbing.

"Hey man get the fuck outta here!" Jack yelled at him.

"I've had enough of you!" Nash yelled as he ran in.

But Hayes didn't stay long, as he ran out the door.

"Baby are you okay?" Jack asked.

I nodded my head,"I need to be alone," I answered.

"Hey don't let what he say get to you," jack said.

"He's retarded, don't listen to him," Nash also said.

But a part of me thought he was right, I believed him.

Did people actually think I wanted everything perfect, because for fucks sake, I know I'm not.

Me myself, made mistakes before, everyone does but at the end of the day, some of us learn from them.

Tears kept pouring out as my baby came to mind.

What if I'm a horrible mother

What if I upset her/him

What if I don't give her/him enough support

What if I let something happen to her/him

But soon enough, my thoughts were interrupted as jack knocked on the door and walked in.

"Baby, don't cry," he said as he wiped the tears off my cheeks.

But I couldn't stop as jack made me cry even more.

No, he didn't say anything wrong, but all this affection he was showing, threw me off. This was all I needed, I needed him and that's what he gave me.

I just latched on to him and cried on his shoulder.

He hugged me back as he patted my back and played with my hair.

Hours seemed to pass by, and we were now laying down, my head on his chest.

"Jack, what if I'm the worst mom ever," I sighed.

"Don't say, you and I-and everyone else in this house knows that if anyone is cutout to be a mom, it would be you,"

I laughed, it was true. I always prepared food for everyone and knew what they wanted, and when they didn't feel good, I would always buy them medicine and some comfort food. I loved taking care of people, but I hated to leave someone disappointed.

"Baby, everything will be alright," jack assured me.

1 week later

Well we were finally home after a stressful/fun vacation at Hawaii.

Nash and Hayes never made up, actually a day later Hayes got a flight home to join some tour.

"Ready?" Jack asked before we got out of the car.

Today jack and I had an appointment to know our baby's gender. Shawn and Alexa were already inside, waiting for us. All of our other friends were busy and I wanted a surprise gender reveal so we decided for Shawn and Alexa to know so they could plan us a party.

As much as I wanted to know if my baby was a girl or a boy, I knew I could wait one more week.

I nodded my head as we both walked out and placed our hands together.

"Are you excited!?" Alexa asked as Shawn and Jack gave each other "bro hugs".

"Yes, I can't wait!"

"Mrs. Gilinsky?" The nurse asked.

We all got up and followed her into the back.

"First room on the right, Mr. Gonzales will be right with you," she smiled.

But before she left, she congratulated me and jack.

"Well long time no see, how was Hawaii?" Mr. Gonzales asked.

"It was great," jack and I both answered.

"I'm sorry for being rude, I'm doctor Gonzales," he introduced himself to Alexa and Shawn.

They all exchanged hellos and we continued.

"Any pain?" He asked.

I shook my head, side to side and he continued to do his job.

Well here's you baby," he smiled at the machine.

Jack and I held each other's hand as our baby popped up on the screen, it was absolutely perfect.

"Wow," Alexa said, speechless.

"Sorry, I'm so new to this," she assured.

"Well are you thinking about having any?" The doctor asked.

"Soon," Shawn answered for her.

Which only made Alexa's smile wider.

"I will be right back with some photos and the gender," the doctor said he happily exited the room.

"Well this is it babe, I few more months and our baby will be wrapped up in our arms," jack smiled down at me.

"I know, it's absolutely amazing," I smiled back.

"So Shawn, about that baby?" Jack asked as we all laughed and he just sat there embarrassed.

"Once the right time comes," he said as he squeezed Alexa's hand.

"How many kids are you thinking about having?" I asked.

"Maybe two or thr-" Alexa said before getting interrupted by Shawn.

"Woman, we'll be having more than five!"

We all laughed.

"Sorry to ruin such a great moment but I have some pictures here for everyone, and the results. Who do I give these too?" He asked.

I pointed to Shawn and Alexa and the doctor handed it to them.


"Ready to now what you two are having?!" Alexa and Shawn yelled as they held a blue and pink ballon.

"Yess!" Jack and I yelled.

Shawn reached up, and popped the...


Hey guys!!!!

I hope you guys are doing amazing!

Remember, I love and appreciate every single one of you.

What do you guys think Danielle and Jack are having?

Arranged Marriage To My Bully 2 J.G. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant