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Alison is a traveler, moving from one place to another constantly. She had no home, no money, no family, and no goal in life to pursue. She was all alone in this troublesome world. Most people would have given up years ago, but not her. There was no point, and she knew that her death is not what her mother would have wanted. Then again, she wondered what she would think of her; now being a thief. Maybe it would have been better to have died than to do such sin. Stealing from others for their own benefit. She didn't like it, but she had to eat too. She had to survive.

She was an only child with two loving parents anyone could have ever asked for. They were always on the move, so she didn't really mind all the traveling she had to do.

It was only at the age of 17 had her family been taken from her. To where she had no clue. Her family didn't like sticking to one religion. They found it nice to be open-minded. Her family was also close friends with the Belmont family. She would have gone to their territory for help, if not for them being killed off. There was most likely no trace of any one of them left.

She glanced at the pocket knife in her hand. Her father had given it to her before they had disappeared. She put it back in her pocket once she crossed a young couple holding hands. She kept her eyes glued to the ground. With the hood covering her face, no one could see her identity, and she liked that. At least that's what she made herself believe. She opened a tavern bar to get something to eat. She had no money, so she would have to dine and dash without being suspicious.

The bar was relatively a small place which only held four customers, including her, and the man behind the counter. She scanned the area one more time to make sure there was nothing out of the ordinary before letting herself relax a little.

She glanced at two loud men by the bar counter that were nagging about some useless topic about using a shovel as a weapon. The man behind the bar counter looked over towards her direction and asked her what she wanted. She held up four fingers, which meant she wanted a ham sandwich. The two customers glanced at her before continuing to talk.

When the man handed over her food, she nodded in thanks before beginning to eat. She froze however when she heard someone talk about the Belmont's. She glared when they started to trash talk about them. She hadn't known them personally, but if they were friends with her family, that meant that they were to be cared for as family as well, even if they were all dead. She gripped her hand in a tight fist before circling her jaw a few times to calm down. She noticed the one other customer got uncomfortable as well and narrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Honestly, it was ALL their fault!" The man yelled exaggerated and started talking about how they had consulted with black magic. She rolled her eyes. She wondered if they knew the Belmont's at all. Her parents had told her that they were like the protectors against evil. They helped everyone from being in danger by any monsters, and this is how they were repaid. She scoffed at the arrogant man. While she did this, she noticed the other customer go to the counter to pay.

"How funny. I didn't know that the Belmont's were evil, especially when they gave a care about saving you people. In my opinion, they should have left you all to rot." She sighed. The man heard her and glared in her direction. The bar became silent.

"What was that, you brat?" He growled towards her direction. "Well?!" She laughed at his annoyed face and stood up. She shook her head and faced him.

"Wait, you're deaf as well as stupid? Got quite a combo going for you there, pal." She muttered still keeping her hood down. She shouldn't have done that. She can't afford to make a scene and draw eyes on her.. Looks like it's too late

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