Warming up to Trevor

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While they were running, Trevor grabbed one of the mob's ax to cut down a big cross. Everyone scattered, horrified that someone would defy their religion.

    Trevor and Alison used this as a distraction to get away from the mob, but the mob soon snapped out of it when Alison grabbed a torch.

    "What are you doing?" Trevor asked her incredulously. Alison heaved telling him to shut up and keep running.

    When the mob got too close, Alison made it over a liquid puddle and dropped the torch, separating the mob and themselves with fire. "Watch out!" Trevor shouted as he shoved the both of them behind a wall. There where they once stood was an arrow on fire.

    "Looks like they've gotten creative too.." Alison joked, huffing out of breath. Soon the previous priests were surrounding the two of them.

    "Leave this to me.." Trevor growled. Alison let out an uneven chuckle, he must really hate Priests. He held a guy up as a shield, making him get hit with two arrows, losing his other eye. The one guy, Trevor had used his whip to save the Elder from before.

    Trevor cut off two of the other Priests arms that were holding spears with his sword and threw the spear at the bows men. "Alright, tough guy, let's move." Alison tried to grab Trevor's wrist, but since her hand was smaller than his, she ended up grabbing his hand.

    Alison took a wrong turn and was face to face with the mob again. "THERE THEY ARE!" Alison panicked, "not good." Trevor huffed, this time taking Alison's wrist and dragging her the other way. The whole mob was now chasing them, but it was too late.

    Trevor and Alison were backed against the wall and soon surrounded by the mob. Trevor and Alison lined themselves up, back to back, ready for a fight. "You sure you want to do this?" Trevor asked. Alison shook her head.

    "Have no choice, do I." She teased. She wondered why she was being so friendly with him, but liked to think that it was just because of the adrenaline. The mob grew near, making the circle around them grow smaller. "Get down," Alison ordered.

    When Trevor did as she asked, she grabbed his whip, quickly tying her thieves knife around it and flung the whip in a circle to draw the mob back. She yanked down on the whip, releasing her knife to catch it. She snapped the whip down on the tiled ground in a threatening manner.

    "I think I kind of like you with a whip.." Trevor dismissed the bewilderment that she could you a family weapon and decided to ask her later. Alison laughed.

    "Down boy," Alison smirked. She grew serious when she saw Trevor tense up.

    "You.." He growled. It was directed to the other Priest that had threatened the Elder. The man told the others to hurry up and kill Trevor and Alison. "You're very big on telling other people what to do.." Trevor growled.

    "Getting other people to commit murder for you is just sick.." Trevor continued. The mob tried to come closer, but Alison reminded them who it was that had the whip. "Why don't we all see how you do on your own.." Trevor's voice held a bit of sadism in it. The tone made Alison shiver and look down.

    "You know, I wonder if the people of Gresit have ever seen a PRIEST draw a KNIFE before.." Trevor dared. The mob stopped trying to attack and watched the fight with little mummers. The mob was confused.

    "You're not going to fight me? You had no problem beating an old man this morning.." Trevor glared, edging the Priest on. The mob started to turn on the Priest. "No problems with LYING to the Gresit people about the speakers as an escape goat."

    "Face it, it was YOUR bishop that brought this fate upon us. Your BISHOP that killed a defenseless woman. You could have made murderers out of these people!" The Priest looked around at the mob frightened.

    "The only one who isn't innocent here.." Trevor held up his sword at the Priest, "is you.." The mob attacked the Priest. Alison frowned as there was an explosion of fire.

    "Uh, Trevor!" She shouted over the sounds of screaming citizens, "that was mighty heroic and all, but the people are still going to die if we don't do something!" Alison tugged a child out of the way before they were hit by a brick from one of the buildings.

    "ANYONE WITH A SWORD, WIPE IT IN THE SALT NOW AND STAND IN FRONT." Trevor started giving orders. Alison looked around for a REAL priest.

    "Can you get water. You know what to do with it, yes?" If it was one thing she learned from her father, was that holy water was sure to do a hell of a job in their position. The Priest nodded and scurried off.

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