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"Come on, dear. We have to get back to the others soon." Leon smiled gently at Sara. Sara laughed but was interrupted by a distressed crying noise. Sara glanced at her husband before heading towards the crying. "Dear, please don't go near that noise, it could be bad news!" Leon followed after Sara.

    "Oh, my! A baby!" Sara spoke in amazement. She picked up the baby, smiling when it stopped screaming. "Oh aren't you just adorable.." She cooed in a baby voice. The baby giggled and held out her hands. Leon looked over Sara's shoulder and tilted his head in confusion.

    "Who would leave a crying baby out here? That's a bit dangerous, don't you think?" Leon narrowed his eyes suspiciously. The baby mimicked his actions and tilted their head. Leon's eyes widened before averted his eyes, blushing. Sara noticed this and smiled.

    "Exactly, which is why we are going to bring her with us." Sara mused and began walking. Leon's mouth was agape in disbelief. He shook his head as he caught up with Sara.

    "That's not a good idea. The Belmont's are in a tough spot right now! We have more things to worry about!" Leon tried to reason with her, but Sara was having none of it.

    "Then we're going to have to keep her a secret, huh Smookems?" The baby blew out bubbles of spit, jumping with a giggle when it popped. Sara let out a slight chuckle. Leon frowned and wrapped an arm around Sara before taking one of the baby's hands.

    "Fine. We'll keep this a secret from the Belmont's as well. In return though, we have to call her an actual name," Sara gave him a confused look, "Like Alison and NOT smookems, dear." Leon gave her a deadpanned look. Sara pouted before agreeing.

    "Alison. What a beautiful name." Sara muttered before leaning against Leon while they continued to walk. Leon smiled, taking in the baby's features. He could already tell she was going to make him a proud father.

    "Just as beautiful as you, dear.." Leon gave a small kiss on Sara's left temple and held her closer.

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