The wars beginning

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(If you didn't see the lost chapter, go see it now. It tells of Alison's "parents".)

Everyone's head looked up when they heard the door open. Trevor didn't say anything and just leaned against the wall. Alison didn't say anything either, what the Elder told her still floating in her head. 'When this is all over, please stay with him. You might find out something you never knew..'

    "Trevor, join us!" The Elder tried to ease the tension. Trevor looked like he had a lot on his mind, but he smiled anyway. "Sure! By the way, you're all going to die." Trevor said like it was nothing. Alison's head snapped over to Trevor with a slight glare.

    "What do you mean by that," Alison warned, narrowing her eyes. Trevor looked at her for a minute, trying to dismiss her attractive looks when she tried to look threatening. "Well?" She asked again.

    Trevor grunted and looked forward, "Well, the new head of the church is .. MORE than insane." Trevor made a strangling position with his hands out of anger. "Unless you Speakers are dead, the salvation is lost, in his eyes apparently. The only way to achieve that is by a mob." The Elder glared.

    "This is wrong. To be driven out over a lie that will do nothing for these people. It's not something a speaker should do.." Trevor propped himself on the wall, glaring.    

    "We had an agreement. You need to leave, now." Trevor walked toward the Elder threateningly. The Elder had no problem with this.

    "Does one really run away when someone tells lies about them? What about the Belmonts? Trevor Belmont, you are defeated.." The Elder spoke calmly. Trevor let in a big breath to calm himself before heading to the door again. Beating up an old man won't prove anything. Those aren't Trevor's ways.

    "You'll lose." Trevor tried to warn them one more time. The Speakers still disagreed. Trevor grits his teeth and grabbed his sword. "Have it your way. I tried being nice." Trevor walked towards them, "You're leaving. Right. Now." Alison stood up before moving to the side.

    Twilight rose as the speakers were kept in the catacombs to be safe. In their place was Trevor and Alison. "You sure you don't want to stay with the Speakers." Trevor glanced at Alison. She had her hood back on and was keeping rather quiet.

"What kind of girl do you think I am, Trevor Belmont." Alison teased. Trevor's eyes widened before he grinned, crossing his arms.    

    "Fair enough." They became quiet again when they heard the sound of marching. "They're here.." Trevor muttered. The door was hacked down before being kicked open. The men scoffed.

    "Where are the Speakers.." They growled. Trevor laughed and said nothing. "You really defend evil? Give them here.."

    "Will you just shut up? Let it go, you're not getting the Speakers. There will be no bloodshed here for you, so shut. Up." The five men in the room laughed.

    "What are you going to do, fight us? To convince a whole mob? You're a wreck. You can barely keep your eyes open. And what's with them? Pathetic.. You're both cowards.." Alison glared, gripping her knife. One more work out of that man and she was about ready to plunge it into one of his eyes.

    "You're going to die for people you don't know? Really?" Trevor smirked before turning around and taking off his coat.

    "I don't know any of you. That doesn't matter, does it? My family that was demonized by you had fought and died for this country. We do it for the people. We don't have to know anyone." Trevor paused before turning back around. The Elder's words ringing in his ear. "It's not dying that frightens us."

    Alison watched amazed. Without his coat, he looked like a hero. One that was described to her by her parents. A hero who was selfless and willing to help anyone in need. "Dying has never frightened me." Alison heard Trevor say victoriously.

    As soon as the preachers got out their knives, Alison was quick and pulled out hers as well, stabbing the one nearest to her before pushing his dead body on the one behind him. Trevor did the same, grabbing Alison by the waist to usher her out quickly. Alison pulled on a rope in the Speakers wall that caused the building to collapse.

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