Speakers against Priests 1.5 (Alison's p.o.v)

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Alison parted ways with Trevor, hoping he'd get lost. She was heading straight for the speaker's village to check in. If he keeps following her, he was going to pose a problem. Especially with all the questions. Quite annoying.

    She sighed. What was he going on about anyways? So what if she can use a sword, anyone can if they have the free time with no goal. She rolled her eyes.

    'What you did back there was no ordinary defense move, you know. It was similar to the one I was taught. By my family.' Trevor's voice echoed in her head. She grunted, great. If he was there, he was bothering her, if he wasn't, he was still bothering her.

    By his family, huh. Why should she care if it was taught to him by his family? Her father was the one to teach her the whip and the sword, but she never thought much of it. She tightened her hand into a fist. How troublesome. She sighed before pushing the speaker's door open.

    "Alison!" The speakers were glad to see her so soon. They had gotten worried she would not make it in time. She took off her hood to be polite and greeted them with a smile. "The village is saved!" She wouldn't take it that far. She didn't believe the stories about the sleeping soldier, but they were counting on her. She had to at least try.

    "Hello everyone." She took off her coat and folded it in a neat pile. Her blond hair flowed down when she took it out of its hair bun. "The Elder?" She questioned glancing around the room when she didn't see him. Her male acquaintance sighed before looking at the floor. He had brown curly hair and wore a purple robe as all the other speakers did. They were the same height, but compared to Trevor, they would be as tall as his neck.

    "I told him that it was too dangerous to go out, but he insisted that he needed to aid the people. That man is a stubborn one. Especially when we've been threatened to leave by today.." He said. She raised an eyebrow.

    "Priests?" She said. They all nodded. She rolled her eyes. They were getting out of hand. She'd have to deal with them later when she had the chance.

    "Come, sit. Let's have a chat. We haven't seen one another in a while." She contemplated the idea for a minute before agreeing. It's the least she could do. She talked to them about meeting a Belmont and how he was in town and talked about what's been troubling her.

    "Only a Belmont could wield a sword the way you did?" He asked surprised. Alison hummed and took a sip of water. "How can that be?" He asked again. She sighed, putting her cup of water down gently. He was asking all of her questions.

    "Well, you did say that your parents were friends of the Belmont's. That could be it." He offered. She paused, circling her jaw in thought. That could have been a reasonable explanation. She felt a lot more at ease. The weighing feeling on her shoulder was starting to get too much. 

    "I should go." She stated before putting her coat back on. She offered a small smile before covering her face once again with her hood. "I'll be back." The speakers nodded her a goodbye for now. She wondered how Trevor was doing. Maybe he really had gotten lost after all. She snickered.

    She headed to the catacombs, flying through the puzzles with ease. Granted, she had to climb a statue to proceed, and she definitely didn't like heights, but she got through it. The things she does for those Speakers. She shook her head before walking down a flight of stairs blindly. It was way too dark, but it couldn't be helped.

    As if hearing her thoughts, the hallway in front of her started lighting up, flame by flame. She could see statues of dead people. Some even with their heads cut clean off. She cringed at the sight before carrying on. The sooner she finds this sleeping soldier, the faster it'll be over with.

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