The end of the Gresit war

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Trevor looked over at Alison and then back at the now crowding monsters. "You ready?" Alison asked Trevor. Trevor glanced at her again and scoffed jokingly as if offended by her question.

    "I'm a Belmont. I don't need to be ready in order to beat some monsters up." Trevor rolled his shoulders with ease and gripped his sword handle tighter. Alison smiled and looked at his whip. No way was she going to be able to do any damage with her small knife. She wished she had her old sword, but she couldn't really do anything about it now. She wrapped her thieves knife handle around the whip again and tightened it with a knot.

    "Hope you don't mind." Alison grinned, dripping the blade in salt before whacking one of the flying monsters, having it scrape the side of its face. The scratch had the monster screeching in pain. The area around the cut had started to boil.

    "No problems here. I'm just glad I won't have to take care of you." Trevor laughed as he stuck his sword in the chest of the same creature Alison's knife scratched. It let out a loud screech before dying, catching more monsters attention. She laughed, boosting Trevor's ego.

    A few more monster dealings and the night was soon daylight. To say that the village people were exhausted was an underestimation. They had long since run out of salt and required a much-needed break. All the horror and adrenaline, Alison had never experienced this much in one day, let alone ever. Trevor and Alison glanced at each other and laughed exhausted. The townsfolk raised their swords in victory.

    However, through this display, neither one of Trevor and Alison saw that there was still another monster. One of the Gresit citizens shouted in horror which made Trevor and Alison turn around. Trevor grabbed Alison before the monster could swipe at her and stabbed it in the head. The monster fought off death, fighting to say a few last words. "There.. There is a.. An ARMY OF US. F.. From HELL!" Alison glared and sliced her knife down the monsters head.

    Alison placed a hand over her heart and let out slow breaths. "A bit too much adventure in one day for me." Alison laughed, resting her head on Trevor's chest.

    Trevor chuckled, but it was cut short when the ground below them caved it. "AHH?!" Alison screamed at the sudden act. She threw the whip for it to catch on to something, but it didn't work.

    Trevor looked behind him and held on to her more tightly as he braced for impact as much as he could. They both fell with a thud. Trevor groaned as he leaned his head back in pain. This was the SECOND time he had fallen due to a cave in. No wait, make that third. His third. Time. "Not cool," Trevor grunted. Alison laid still on Trevor's chest and in between his legs for a few minutes before getting up.

    "I did.. Not see that coming.." Alison coughed, taking off her coat to whack away any leftover debris from the fall before tying it around her neck so it looked more like a cape. She went over to Trevor and held out her hand. Trevor glanced at her hand and then at Alison's face before grunting and lying back down. Alison laughed. "Fine, I guess I'll just have to leave you here." She shook her head.

    "You go do that," Trevor stated, starting to relax a little. What happened to finding a tree to rest under? "I'll be here." Alison huffed, crossing her arms. She glared before turning around to explore for any way out. If she was correct, then it would mean that they were somewhat close to where Trevor left the Speakers.

    Trevor watched her walk away. His attention going lower, checking out her hips, and then lower. He narrowed his eyes before pursing his lips. He was too distracted by Alison, he didn't see a leftover brick falling straight for him. "UGH." Trevor wheezed in pain. "Okay. Fine. I'll get up." He growled, following where Alison might have gone.

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